\wrapfigure 和 \itemize 冲突,让人抓狂

\wrapfigure 和 \itemize 冲突,让人抓狂

我正在尝试在 beamer 中插入一个浮动在项目符号列表中的图像。
此外,我无法移动图像:\wrapfigure{R}、\wrapfigure{T} 等中的任何一个都会产生相同的结果,而我希望我的图像被放在右侧、顶部等位置。



\begin{frame}{Simplicial Subdivisions}

\item Let $T=\sigma(x^0,...,x^n)$ be an n-simplex. A \textbf{simplicial subdivision} of T is a collection of (sub-) simplexes $\{T_i: i\in I\}$ such that $\bigcup_i T_i=\ \Bar{T}$ and $\forall i,j\ \Bar{T_j}\cap\Bar{T_j}$ either equals $\emptyset$ or the closure of a common face $\Bar{F_{ij}}$.
\item An important subdivision is the equilateral one 
\item The \textbf{mesh of a subdivision} is the diameter of its largest element




似乎使用普通的 TeX 宏包insboxenumitem更改列表的右边距)就可以了。不过不确定有没有副作用。



\begin{frame}{Simplicial Subdivisions}

\begin{itemize}[label=$\blacktriangleright$, rightmargin=0.27\linewidth]
\item Let $T=\sigma(x^0,...,x^n)$ be an n-simplex. A \textbf{simplicial subdivision} of T is a collection of (sub-) simplexes $\{T_i: i\in I\}$ such that $\bigcup_i T_i=\ \Bar{T}$ and $\forall i,j\ \Bar{T_j}\cap\Bar{T_j}$ either equals $\emptyset$ or the closure of a common face $\Bar{F_{ij}}$.
\item An important subdivision is the equilateral one
\item The \textbf{mesh of a subdivision} is the diameter of its largest element





假设您的 beamer 主题实际上是Berkeley,我建议使用以下两列:



\begin{frame}{Simplicial Subdivisions}
\item Let $T=\sigma(x^0,...,x^n)$ be an n-simplex. A \textbf{simplicial subdivision} of T is a collection of (sub-) simplexes $\{T_i: i\in I\}$ such that $\bigcup_i T_i=\ \Bar{T}$ and $\forall i,j\ \Bar{T_j}\cap\Bar{T_j}$ either equals $\emptyset$ or the closure of a common face $\Bar{F_{ij}}$.
\item An important subdivision is the equilateral one 
\item The \textbf{mesh of a subdivision} is the diameter of its largest element
\begin{column}[t]{0.25\textwidth} \vspace*{\topsep}
    \includegraphics[width=\linewidth, valign=t]{example-image}
