文件扩展名不同,为 .WVPbbl,而非 WVP.bib

文件扩展名不同,为 .WVPbbl,而非 WVP.bib

我已经从以下位置下载并提取了 2 个文件ArXiVe 文件。它们的文件扩展名.tex.bbl

然而,当我用 LaTeX 编译 WVP.tex 时,它抱怨说不存在WVP 手册文件:

那么我该如何告诉 WInEdt 9.0 它应该使用WVP桶反而 ?

这是 WVP.blg 文件:

This is BibTeX, Version 0.99dThe top-level auxiliary file: WVP.aux
The style file: plain.bst
I couldn't open database file WVP.bib
---line 36 of file WVP.aux
: \bibdata{WVP
:             }
I'm skipping whatever remains of this command
I found no database files---while reading file WVP.aux
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "AdaRosTrnLimitClosed"
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "AdaRosInjectivity"
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "AdaRosLocallyPresentable"
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "HedPulFullEmbeddings"
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "KanHigherInfinite" 
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "ZemInnerModels"
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "VopPulHedRigidRelation"
(There were 2 error messages)



J.~Ad\'{a}mek, J.~Rosick\'{y}, and V.~Trnkov\'{a}.
\newblock Are all limit-closed subcategories of locally presentable categories
\newblock In {\em Categorical algebra and its applications
  ({L}ouvain-{L}a-{N}euve, 1987)}, volume 1348 of {\em Lecture Notes in Math.},
  pages 1--18. Springer, Berlin, 1988.

Ji\v{r}\'{\i} Ad\'{a}mek and Ji\v{r}\'{\i} Rosick\'{y}.
\newblock On injectivity in locally presentable categories.
\newblock {\em Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.}, 336(2):785--804, 1993.

Ji\v{r}\'{\i} Ad\'{a}mek and Ji\v{r}\'{\i} Rosick\'{y}.
\newblock {\em Locally Presentable and Accessible Categories}, volume 189 of
  {\em London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series}.
\newblock Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994.

Z.~Hedrl\'{\i}n and A.~Pultr.
\newblock On full embeddings of categories of algebras.
\newblock {\em Illinois J. Math.}, 10:392--406, 1966.

Akihiro Kanamori.
\newblock {\em The Higher Infinite}.
\newblock Springer Monographs in Mathematics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, second
  edition, 2009.

P.~Vop\v{e}nka, A.~Pultr, and Z.~Hedrl\'{\i}n.
\newblock A rigid relation exists on any set.
\newblock {\em Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae}, 6:149--155, 1965.

Martin Zeman.
\newblock {\em Inner Models and Large Cardinals}, volume~5 of {\em De Gruyter
  Series in Logic and its Applications}.
\newblock Walter de Gruyter \& Co., Berlin, 2002.




[13] (WVP.bbl

LaTeX Warning: Empty `thebibliography' environment on input line 3.

) [14] (WVP.aux)

所以bbl文件是由 输入的\bibliography{WVP},但它是空的,没有定义任何引用。具体来说,这意味着它不是您在问题中包含的具有非空环境的文件thebibliography


