使用 Jabref 手动排序参考文献

使用 Jabref 手动排序参考文献

我在通过 Jabref 管理的书目图书馆中包含多条记录。但是,我想根据我指定的顺序在 LaTeX、Texstudio 和 PDF 中显示这些记录。换句话说,我想手动显示 Jabref 记录的顺序。我决定哪条记录应该排在第一位,哪条记录排在第二位,等等。可以吗?


这完全违背了 BibTeX 的精神,biblatex手动对参考书目进行排序。BibTeX 和 Biber 工作的一个重要部分就是根据一些预定义的方案对参考书目进行正确的排序,以确保排序一致且符合预期。

如果有一种方法可以将您想要的排序表达为基于可用条目数据的算法,那么应该可以biblatex为 Biber 定义一个排序模板,以根据您的意愿对参考书目进行排序。



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  author       = {Pines, Shlomo},
  editor       = {Twersky, Isadore},
  title        = {The Limitations of Human Knowledge According to {Al-Farabi}, {ibn
                  Bajja}, and {Maimonides}},
  date         = 1979,
  booktitle    = {Studies in Medieval {Jewish} History and Literature},
  publisher    = {Harvard University Press},
  location     = {Cambridge, Mass.},
  pages        = {82-109},
  sortkey      = {01},
  author       = {de Geer, Ingrid},
  title        = {Earl, Saint, Bishop, Skald~-- and Music},
  type         = {phdthesis},
  institution  = {Uppsala Universitet},
  date         = 1985,
  subtitle     = {The {Orkney Earldom} of the Twelfth Century. {A} Musicological
  location     = {Uppsala},
  sortkey      = {04},
  author       = {Nussbaum, Martha},
  title        = {Aristotle's \mkbibquote{De Motu Animalium}},
  date         = 1978,
  publisher    = {Princeton University Press},
  location     = {Princeton},
  sortkey      = {03},
  author       = {Worman, Nancy},
  title        = {The Cast of Character},
  date         = 2002,
  publisher    = {University of Texas Press},
  location     = {Austin},
  subtitle     = {Style in {Greek} Literature},
  shorttitle   = {Cast of Character},
  sortkey      = {05},
  author       = {Sigfridsson, Emma and Ryde, Ulf},
  title        = {Comparison of methods for deriving atomic charges from the
                  electrostatic potential and moments},
  journaltitle = {Journal of Computational Chemistry},
  date         = 1998,
  volume       = 19,
  number       = 4,
  pages        = {377-395},
  doi          = {10.1002/(SICI)1096-987X(199803)19:4<377::AID-JCC1>3.0.CO;2-P},
  sortkey      = {02},



