我是 Tikz 新手,想画一个带有 16 个圆形节点的圆。每次滑动增量都会向右或向左移动到下一个节点(同时使用这两个示例应该没问题),同时突出显示它(突出显示应该在当前位置/节点附近)。有人能帮我实现这个吗?附上绘图示例:
\foreach \a in {1,2,...,17}{
\draw (\a*360/17: 4cm) node{angle \a};
% define a counter
% macro to hold a color name
% set up an animation, \CircNum changes from 1 to 17
% with each frame
% draw the main circle
\node [circle, draw, minimum size=8cm] (c) {};
\foreach \a in {1,2,...,17}{
% if \a is equal to \CircNum, set the color to blue
% otherwise set it to black
% make a new node for the small circles
\node[\Clr, % with the color defined by the macro
draw, thick, % draw the outline
fill, % fill it
minimum size=5mm, % set the size
circle, % circular shape
label={[\Clr]\a*360/17+180:\a} % add the number on the inside
] at (c.\a*360/17) % position it on the edge of the main circle
以下是 PDF 的前三张幻灯片:
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% Borrow a loop macro from expl3
\cs_set_eq:NN \intstepvariable \int_step_variable:nnnNn
\begin{frame}{Circles in circle}
% The big circle
\node[circle, minimum width=2*\bigcircleradius, draw] (C) {};
% The small circles and their labels
\intstepvariable{0}{1}{\nsteps - 1}{\i}{% {init}{step}{final}{variable}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\angle}{90 - \i*360/\nsteps}
\uncover<\iplustwo-> {
\node[circle, draw, minimum width=2*\smallcirclewidth,
label=\otherside:\iplusone] at (C.\angle) {};
\uncover<\iplustwo> { % fill one small circle per frame
\node[circle, fill=red!20, minimum width=2*\smallcirclewidth]
at (C.\angle) {};
\uncover<\iplustwo-> { (...) }
\uncover<\iplustwo> { (...) }
假设 e-TeX 扩展可用,则可以使用:
\uncover<\the\numexpr \i+2\relax-> { (...) }
\uncover<\the\numexpr \i+2\relax> { (...) }
演示,但使用更直接的顺序(小圆圈的角度分别为 1*360/10、2*360/10、...、10*360/10 度)。主代码的编写方式与上一个示例略有不同:它使用两个循环和\pause
% Borrow a loop macro from expl3
\cs_set_eq:NN \intstepvariable \int_step_variable:nnnNn
\begin{frame}{Circles in circle}
% The big circle
\node[circle, minimum width=2*\bigcircleradius, draw] (C) {};
% The filled circles: highlight a single small circle on each frame starting
% from frame 2.
\intstepvariable{2}{1}{\nsteps+1}{\i}{% {init}{step}{final}{variable}
\node[circle, fill=red!20, minimum width=2*\smallcirclewidth]
at (C.\angle) {};
% The unfilled circles and their labels
\intstepvariable{1}{1}{\nsteps}{\i}{% {init}{step}{final}{variable}
\node[circle, draw, minimum width=2*\smallcirclewidth, label=\otherside:\i]
at (C.\angle) {};