扫描 \caption@xdblarg 的使用时文件结束。 \include{Chapters/Chapter5}

扫描 \caption@xdblarg 的使用时文件结束。 \include{Chapters/Chapter5}
\documentclass{MastersDoctoralThesis} % The class file specifying the document structure
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Required for inputting international characters
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Output font encoding for international characters
\usepackage{mathpazo} % Use the Palatino font by default
\usepackage[none]{hyphenat} % suppress hyphenation *globally*
% re-enable hyphenation locally inside "Z" columns

%\usepackage[backend=bibtex,style=authoryear,natbib=true]{biblatex} % Use the bibtex backend with the authoryear citation style (which resembles APA)
\addbibresource{bibliography} % The filename of the bibliography
\usepackage[autostyle=true]{csquotes} % Required to generate language-dependent quotes in the bibliography
    justification = centering




File ended while scanning use of \caption@xdblarg. \include{Chapters/Chapter5}

我对 latex 还很陌生,不知道该如何修复。似乎第 5 章的一部分可以显示,而其他部分则不显示。

