! 软件包 xkeyval 错误:‘frame’ 在‘Gin’ 系列中未定义

! 软件包 xkeyval 错误:‘frame’ 在‘Gin’ 系列中未定义

我在编译 wiley 模板时遇到此错误

! Package xkeyval Error: `frame' undefined in families `Gin'.


%% Run LaTeX on this file several times to get Table of Contents,
%% cross-references, and citations.

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\usepackage[chapter]{algorithm}%  added by AA   
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\usepackage{amssymb}  %  added by AA  
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\usepackage{cleveref} %  added by AA
\usepackage{subfigure}%  added by IF










但是,这是错误的语法。adjustbox添加框架的 被调用fbox(因为这就是它正在做的事情)。



