合并 CSV 文件,字段分隔符也出现在引号内

合并 CSV 文件,字段分隔符也出现在引号内

我有 3 个 csv 文件,我想按第一列(id 列)加入

每个文件都有相同的 3 列。


id        | timestamp       |  Name

3792318, 2014-07-15 00:00:00, "A, B"

当我加入 3 个 csv 文件时

join -t, <(join -t, csv1 csv2) csv3 > out.csv



显然,使用 csv 解析器会更好,但如果我们可以安全地假设

  1. 第一个字段永远不会包含逗号;
  2. 您只需要第一个文件中存在的 id(如果 id 位于 file2 或 file3 中而不是 file1 中,则忽略它);
  3. 这些文件足够小,可以放入您的 RAM 中。

那么这个 Perl 方法应该可以工作:

#!/usr/bin/env perl 
use strict;

my %f;
## Read the files
while (<>) {
    ## remove trailing newlines
    ## Replace any commas within quotes with '|'.
    ## I am using a while loop to deal with multiple commas.
    while (s/\"([^"]*?),([^"]*?)\"/"$1|$2"/){}
    ## match the id and the rest.
    ## The keys of the %f hash are the ids
    ## each line with the same id is appended to
    ## the current value of the key in the hash.
## Print the lines
foreach my $id (keys(%f)) {
    print "$id$f{$id}\n";


perl foo.pl file1.csv file2.csv file3.csv


perl -lne 'while(s/\"([^"]*?),([^"]*)\"/"$1|$2"/){} /^(.+?)(,.+)/; $k{$1}.=$2; 
           END{print "$_$k{$_}" for keys(%k)}' file1 file2 file3



   (defun csv-parse (str)
     (let ((toks (tok-str str #/[^\s,][^,]+[^\s,]|"[^"]*"|[^\s,]/)))
       [mapcar (do let ((l (match-regex @1 #/".*"/)))
                     (if (eql l (length @1))
                       [@1 1..-1] @1)) toks]))

   (defun csv-format (list)
     (cat-str (mapcar (do if (find #\, @1) `"@1"` @1) list) ", "))

   (defun join-recs (recs-left recs-right)
     (append-each ((l recs-left))
       (collect-each ((r recs-right))
         (append l r))))

   (let ((hashes (collect-each ((arg *args*))
                   (let ((stream (open-file arg)))
                     [group-by first [mapcar csv-parse (gun (get-line stream))]
     (when hashes
       (let ((joined (reduce-left (op hash-isec @1 @2 join-recs) hashes)))
         (dohash (key recs joined)
           (each ((rec recs))
             (put-line (csv-format rec))))))))


注意:键 3792318 在第三个文件中出现两次,因此我们预计该键的连接输出中有两行。


$ for x in csv* ; do echo "File $x:" ; cat $x ; done
File csv1:
3792318, 2014-07-15 00:00:00, "A, B"
3792319, 2014-07-16 00:00:01, "B, C"
3792320, 2014-07-17 00:00:02, "D, E"
File csv2:
3792319, 2014-07-15 00:02:00, "X, Y"
3792320, 2014-07-11 00:03:00, "S, T"
3792318, 2014-07-16 00:02:01, "W, Z"
File csv3:
3792319, 2014-07-10 00:04:00, "M"
3792320, 2014-07-09 00:06:00, "N"
3792318, 2014-07-05 00:07:01, "P"
3792318, 2014-07-16 00:08:01, "Q"


$ txr join.txr csv1 csv2 csv3
3792319, 2014-07-16 00:00:01, "B, C", 3792319, 2014-07-15 00:02:00, "X, Y", 3792319, 2014-07-10 00:04:00, M
3792318, 2014-07-15 00:00:00, "A, B", 3792318, 2014-07-16 00:02:01, "W, Z", 3792318, 2014-07-05 00:07:01, P
3792318, 2014-07-15 00:00:00, "A, B", 3792318, 2014-07-16 00:02:01, "W, Z", 3792318, 2014-07-16 00:08:01, Q
3792320, 2014-07-17 00:00:02, "D, E", 3792320, 2014-07-11 00:03:00, "S, T", 3792320, 2014-07-09 00:06:00, N


   ;; Include the comma separators as tokens; then parse the token
   ;; list, recognizing consecutive comma tokens as an empty field,
   ;; and stripping leading/trailing whitespace and quotes.
   (defun csv-parse (str)
     (labels ((clean (str)
                (set str (trim-str str))
                (if (and (= [str 0] #\")
                         (= [str -1] #\"))
                  [str 1..-1]
              (post-process (tokens)
                (tree-case tokens
                  ((tok sep . rest)
                   (if (equal tok ",")
                     ^("" ,*(post-process (cons sep rest)))
                     ^(,(clean tok) ,*(post-process rest))))
                  ((tok . rest)
                   (if (equal tok ",")
                     ^(,(clean tok)))))))
       (post-process (tok-str str #/[^,]+|"[^"]*"|,/))))
