您可以使用borderline west
\usepackage{kantlipsum} % for sample text
enhanced, frame hidden, borderline west = {0.5pt}{0pt}{red,dashed}, #1
% Variant using a `minipage`-style boxing technique (this allows
% multiple lines, \tcblower, etc.)
enhanced, frame hidden, borderline west = {0.5pt}{0pt}{red,dashed}, #1
This is \mybox{the box} and what comes next.
This is \mybox[on line]{the same box but \texttt{on line}} and what comes
\bigskip \noindent
Variant based on \verb|\newtcolorbox|:
请注意,可以使用用 声明的样式来分解前面的示例\tcbset
\usepackage{kantlipsum} % for sample text
\tcbset{my left line/.style={
enhanced, frame hidden, borderline west = {0.5pt}{0pt}{red,dashed}
\newtcbox{\mybox}[1][]{my left line, #1}
\newtcolorbox{myleftlinebox}[1][]{my left line, #1}
This is \mybox{the box} and what comes next.
This is \mybox[on line]{the same box but \texttt{on line}} and what comes
\bigskip \noindent
Variant based on \verb|\newtcolorbox|: