LaTeX 中的包可以自动换行。但是如何让行保持原样并强制包minted
id | title | date | date_acquired | classification_id
5569 | Zeichnet 5 1/2 Dritte Kriegs-Anleihe | 1916 | 1968-03-07 | 7
6214 | In the Forward Capitalist Countries the Share of Exploiting Classes in the National Income Consists of Approximately 50 or More | 1930 | 1943-05-12 | 7
109440 | 60 Off, New York | 2007 | 2007-05-10 | 9
183530 | Warhead I (Regan 55, Brezhnev 45, Thatcher less than 1, Mitterrand less than 1, Deng less than 1) | 1982 | 2014-10-09 | 9
193145 | MyDesktop | 2002 | 2015-05-21 | 12
284019 | Jacket Cover for Upton Sinclair's 100%
如上图所示,溢出是可见的,这是不可取的。这可能是通过 minted 包的某些隐藏选项实现的吗?或者至少是通过其他方式?