


  • \cfoot{}没有居中,这可以使用来解决\makebox{},但是,后面的命令似乎不允许换行,而这是必要的,因为否则文本太长。

  • 我希望能够沿垂直轴向上移动页脚(换句话说,将它们移离纸张底部)


这是我的 MWE:

\usepackage[paperwidth=36in, paperheight=27in, margin=2in]{geometry}

% Footer

% Organization logo and presentation footer
\lfoot{\makebox[0pt][r]{\includegraphics[width=5cm]{example-image-a}}} %insitution logo
\rfoot{Poster presented at XXX. Tokyo, Japan}

% Not centered:
%\cfoot{\Huge\textbf{Acknowledgements} This is acknowledgement text  This is acknowledgement text  This is acknowledgement text  \\ This is acknowledgement text  This is acknowledgement text  This is acknowledgement text  This is acknowledgement text  This is acknowledgement text }

% cannot introduce linebreak
\cfoot{\makebox[\textwidth][c]{\Huge \textbf{Acknowledgements} This is acknowledgement text  This is acknowledgement text  This is acknowledgement text This is acknowledgement text  This is acknowledgement text  This is acknowledgement text  This is acknowledgement text  This is acknowledgement text }}




您可以嵌套 \parbox、\raisebox、\makebox 以获得您想要的任何位置:

\usepackage[paperwidth=36in, paperheight=27in, margin=2in]{geometry}

% Footer

% Organization logo and presentation footer
\lfoot{\raisebox{-0.5\height}[0pt][0pt]{\makebox[0pt][l]{\includegraphics[width=5cm]{example-image-a}}}} %insitution logo
\rfoot{Poster presented at XXX. Tokyo, Japan}

 \makebox[0pt]{\parbox{0.8\textwidth}{\centering \Huge \textbf{Acknowledgements} This is acknowledgement text  This is acknowledgement text  This is acknowledgement text This is acknowledgement text  This is acknowledgement text  This is acknowledgement text  This is acknowledgement text  This is acknowledgement text }}}}

