带有背景颜色的 Sphinx Verbatim(代码块)

带有背景颜色的 Sphinx Verbatim(代码块)



Sphinx 使用这个环境:

  % first, let's check if there is a caption
      % there was no caption. Check if nevertheless a label was set.
      % we require some space to be sure hyperlink target from \phantomsection
      % will not be separated from upcoming verbatim by a page break
     \if t\spx@opt@literalblockcappos
                 % if no frame (code-blocks inside table cells), remove
                 % the "verbatimsep" whitespace from the top (better visually)
                 % caption package adds \abovecaptionskip vspace, remove it
     % \sphinxVerbatimTitle must reset color
     % caption package may detect wrongly if top or bottom, so we help it
  \fboxsep\sphinxverbatimsep \fboxrule\sphinxverbatimborder
  \let\FrameCommand     \sphinxVerbatim@FrameCommand
  \let\MidFrameCommand  \sphinxVerbatim@MidFrameCommand
  \let\LastFrameCommand \sphinxVerbatim@LastFrameCommand
  % fancyvrb's Verbatim puts each input line in (unbreakable) horizontal boxes.
  % This customization wraps each line from the input in a \vtop, thus
  % allowing it to wrap and display on two or more lines in the latex output.
  %     - The codeline counter will be increased only once.
  %     - The wrapped material will not break across pages, it is impossible
  %       to achieve this without extensive rewrite of fancyvrb.
  %     - The (not used in sphinx) obeytabs option to Verbatim is
  %       broken by this change (showtabs and tabspace work).
  % Allow breaks at special characters using \PYG... macros.
  % Breaks at punctuation characters . , ; ? ! and / (needs catcode activation)
  \else % end of conditional code for wrapping long code lines
  % workaround to fancyvrb's check of current list depth
  \def\@toodeep {\advance\@listdepth\@ne}%
  % The list environment is needed to control perfectly the vertical space.
  % Note: \OuterFrameSep used by framed.sty is later set to \topsep hence 0pt.
  % - if caption: distance from last text baseline to caption baseline is
  %   A+(B-F)+\ht\strutbox, A = \abovecaptionskip (default 10pt), B =
  %   \baselineskip, F is the framed.sty \FrameHeightAdjust macro, default 6pt.
  %   Formula valid for F < 10pt.
  % - distance of baseline of caption to top of frame is like for tables:
  %   \sphinxbelowcaptionspace (=0.5\baselineskip)
  % - if no caption: distance of last text baseline to code frame is S+(B-F),
  %   with S = \sphinxverbatimtopskip (=\smallskip)
  % - and distance from bottom of frame to next text baseline is
  %   \baselineskip+\parskip.
  % The \trivlist is used to avoid possible "too deeply nested" error.
  \itemsep   \z@skip
  \topsep    \z@skip
  \partopsep \z@skip
  % trivlist will set \parsep to \parskip = zero
  % \leftmargin will be set to zero by trivlist
  \parindent  \z@% becomes \itemindent. Default zero, but perhaps overwritten.
     % use a minipage if we are already inside a framed environment
     \MakeFramed {% adapted over from framed.sty's snugshade environment
     % For grid placement from \strut's in \FancyVerbFormatLine
     % active comma should not be overwritten by \@noligs
       \let\verbatim@nolig@list \sphinx@verbatim@nolig@list
     % will fetch its optional arguments if any


看起来你应该能够通过 Sphinx 配置编辑代码块的框架和背景颜色,而不是摆弄 TeX 文件。此链接有一些关于此内容的好信息:





# conf.py
latex_elements = {
   "sphinxsetup": 'verbatimwithframe=false, VerbatimColor={gray}{0.95}',

latex_elements在 Sphinx 项目中的文件字段中,conf.py您可以更改逐字块的背景颜色。
