我从坐标列表中绘制曲线并得到 6 个独立页面。
有没有一种简单的方法可以使用 animate-package 将其作为动画图片保存在 PDF 中?
\documentclass[margin=5pt, tikz]{standalone}
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}
\newcommand{\List}{}% reserve name
\let\List=\empty% create list
\foreach \w in \Range{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\pgfmathsetmacro\Winkel{\w} %
\coordinate[] (M) at (0,0);
\draw[] (M) circle[radius=3];
\draw[name path=kreis] (M) circle[radius=1.4];
\draw[name path=zeiger] (M) -- (90-\Winkel:3);
% Create List of Coordinates
\path[name intersections={of=kreis and zeiger, name=S}] ;
\coordinate[label=left:$S_{\w}$] (S-\w) at (S-1);
\ifx\empty\List{} \xdef\List{\temp}%
\else \xdef\List{\List \temp}%
\draw[red] plot[mark=*] coordinates{\List};
\node[anchor=north west, text width=6 cm] at (-3,-3){List: \List};
有了@AndéC 的提示,我得到了
% sub.tex
\documentclass[margin=5pt, tikz]{standalone}
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}
\newcommand{\List}{}% reserve name
\let\List=\empty% create list
\foreach \w in \Range{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\pgfmathsetmacro\Winkel{\w} %
\useasboundingbox (-4,-4) rectangle (4,4);
\coordinate[] (M) at (0,0);
\draw[] (M) circle[radius=3];
\draw[name path=kreis] (M) circle[radius=1.4];
\draw[name path=zeiger] (M) -- (90-\Winkel:3);
% Create List of Coordinates
\path[name intersections={of=kreis and zeiger, name=S}] ;
\coordinate[label=left:$S_{\w}$] (S-\w) at (S-1);
\ifx\empty\List{} \xdef\List{\temp}%
\else \xdef\List{\List \temp}%
\draw[red] plot[mark=*] coordinates{\List};
\node[anchor=north west, text width=6 cm] at (-3,-3){List: \List};
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex
% main.tex