我正在使用 LaTeX 进行考试,并使用以下命令进行多项选择:
\newcommand{\mc}[5]{(\textbf{A}) #1 \qquad \qquad (\textbf{B}) #2 \qquad \qquad (\textbf{C}) #3 \qquad \qquad (\textbf{D}) #4 \qquad \qquad (\textbf{E}) #5}
但是,对于较小的答案选项(例如 1 或 2)或较长的答案选项(例如名称等),答案选项并不适合整个屏幕,因为我已用 硬编码了每个选项之间的空格\qquad
\textbf{Question}: Here is the question text. Answers are arranged in 4 columns.
\task first answer
\task second answer
\task third answer
\task fourth answer
\textbf{Question}: Here is the question text. Answers are arranged in 2 columns.
\task first answer
\task second answer
\task third answer
\task fourth answer
\textbf{Question}: Here is the question text. Answers are arranged in 2 columns and are longer than a single line.
\task first answer first answer first answer first answer
\task second answer second answer second answer
\task third answer
\task fourth answer
\textbf{Question}: Here is the question text. Answers are arranged in 4 columns and take up the entire textwidth.
\textbf{A} first answer &
\textbf{B} second answer &
\textbf{C} third answer &
\textbf{D} fourth answer
与 one 结合使用\extracolsep{\fill}
\textbf{Question}: Here is the question text. Answers are arranged in 4 columns and take up the entire textwidth.
\textbf{A} 1 &
\textbf{B} 2 &
\textbf{C} 3 &
\textbf{D} 4 &
\textbf{E} 5
\textbf{A} 1 &
\textbf{B} 2 &
\textbf{C} 3 &
\textbf{D} 4 &
\textbf{E} longer text
\textbf{A} 1 &
\textbf{B} long text &
\textbf{C} 3 &
\textbf{D} 4 &
\textbf{E} longer text
我确信有几种方法。我建议使用 TikZ 方法,因为它比较灵活。我们可以为此编写一个新命令。
\centerline{\LARGE\bfseries\textcolor{blue}{TIKZ for multiple choices}}
\noindent{\bfseries Question 1.} This question has $2$ choices.
(0,0) node{A. $x=1$}
++(0:\a/2 pt) node{B. $x=6$};
\noindent{\bfseries Question 2.} This question has $3$ choices.
\path[n/.style={font=\bfseries,circle,draw=blue,fill=gray!30},inner sep=1pt]
(0,0) node[n]{A} +(0:1) node{$m=3$}
++(0:\a/3 pt) node[n]{B} +(0:1) node{$m=4$}
++(0:\a/3 pt) node[n]{C} +(0:1) node{$m=3$};
\noindent{\bfseries Question 3.} This question has $4$ choices.
(0,0) node{A. $x=1$}
++(0:\a/4 pt) node{B. $x=6$}
++(0:\a/4 pt) node{C. $x=8$}
++(0:\a/4 pt) node{D. $x=6688$};
\noindent{\bfseries Question 4.} This question also has $4$ choices. You can see choices of Question $3$ and Question $4$ are vertically aligned.
(0,0) node{A. $y=11$}
++(0:\a/4 pt) node{B. $y=66$}
++(0:\a/4 pt) node{C. $y=88$}
++(0:\a/4 pt) node{D. $y=668866$};
\noindent{\bfseries Question 5.} This question also has $4$ choices with other arrangement.
(0,0) node[blue] {A. Blue}
+(0:\a/2 pt) node[red] {B. Red}
++(-90:.5) node[violet] {C. Violet}
+(0:\a/2 pt) node[orange] {D. Orange};