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\tabuprocesstable{\caption{\textbf{Guidance for managing non-compliance}}}
\colhead{Steps for Audits}
\colhead{Steps for professional services other than audits}
{\tstrut}1) Obtain an understanding of the matter
{\tstrut}1) Obtain an understanding of the matter
2) Address the matter
2) Address with management and those charged with governance
3) Determine if further action is needed
3) Communicate with the entity’s external auditor
4) Document the steps and outcomes
4) Determine if further action is needed
5) Document the steps and outcomes{\bstrut}
\tabuprocesstable{\caption{\textbf{Guidance for managing non-compliance}}}
\colhead{Steps for Audits}
\colhead{Steps for professional services other than audits}
{\tstrut}1) Obtain an understanding of the matter
{\tstrut}1) Obtain an understanding of the matter
2) Address the matter
2) Address with management and those charged with governance
3) Determine if further action is needed
3) Communicate with the entity’s external auditor
4) Document the steps and outcomes
4) Determine if further action is needed
5) Document the steps and outcomes{\bstrut}