使用 hyperref 和 cleveref 加载引用 ('\ref') 来构建数学上标/下标

使用 hyperref 和 cleveref 加载引用 ('\ref') 来构建数学上标/下标

首先,我要为下面的 MWE 太长而道歉。但是,我想让它保持完整。


不幸的是,\ref*{my-label}它不只是简单地扩展为一个数字,而是更复杂的东西,可能太复杂了。如果有人对下面的 MWE 有一个更简洁、更简单的解决方案,我很高兴听到这个消息。

在当前方法中,\ref*{my-label}将其扩展为两个标记{roman numeral}{arabic numeral},并且首先需要分离组件。我无法使其工作,并且由于\protect的​​定义内部而迷失了方向\ref

要查看错误,请从 MWE 中的方程环境中删除注释。

{roman numeral}{arabic numeral}此外,如果能找到一种解决方案,可以放弃使用人工构建标签的丑陋解决方法,并可能向辅助文件中写入额外的一行,我会很高兴。我的整个代码感觉像是一个黑客代码。



% How the hybrid mechanism works
% Hybrids are defined by a theorem-like environment call "hybrid" using the counter \c@hybrid.
% Hybrids can be grouped into series.
% To make the reference unique, series are also counted using \c@hybridseries.
% Each time \c@hybridseries is advanced, \c@hybrid is reset.
% Series have a human-readable name.
% A hybrid should be printed as "H^{human-readable series name}_{hybrid counter}".
% To make this work correctly we need a little bit of trickery, because LaTeX writes the printable
% form of a label to the aux-file and not the plain values of the counters.
% Also, the "public" API of ntheorem and cref use the printable form of the counters.
% Under the hood the counter on the level of hybrid is internally formatted as
%    "{roman number of series}{arabic numer of hybrid}"
% The series counter is formatted as a roman number, because this allows to construct TeX macros that include the counter in their name.
% For example, \@hybridseriesnameiii expands to the human-readable name of the 3rd series.
% For convinience, there is the helper macro \@hybridseriesname{#1}.
% It takes the roman counter of a series as its only argument and constructs the makro \@hybridseriesname<#1>, i.e. eventually it is expanded to the human-readable name.


% The counter for the series formatted as a roman number

% A helper macro that expands to \hybridseriesname#1, e.g. \hybridseriesname{iii} expands to \hybridseriesnameiii
% #1   The series formatted as a roman number
  \csname @hybridseriesname#1\endcsname%

% Advances the series counter \c@hybridseries and defines a new command \hybridseriesname<counter>, e.g. \hybridseriesnameiii, that stores the human-readable name.
% #1 The human-readable name of the series; n.b., #1 is printed in math mode, hence, if it is a textual name, #1 should most probably something like \text{...} or \mathrm{...}
  \expandafter\def\csname @hybridseriesname\thehybridseries\endcsname{#1}%

% \@hyb takes an internally formatted counter value
%     {roman number of series}{arabic numer of hybrid}
% and expand to "H^{human-readable series name}_{hybrid counter}".
% The first part {roman number of series} is passed to \@hybridseriesname to convert it into the human-readable name.
% The second part {arabic number of hybrid} is used as is.

% \hyb takes a the designation of a label and expands to "H^{human-readable series name}_{hybrid counter}.
% \hyb is supposed to be used in math mode.

% A helper macro in the spirit of \@expandtwoargs from the LaTeX2e sources
% #1 is a token that ultimately expands into two tokens
%     {roman number of series}{arabic numer of hybrid}
% This macro first expands #1 and then lets \@hyb process the expanded #1
  \edef\reserved@hyb{\noexpand\@hyb #1}%

% This theorem style is mostly equivalent to the plain style.
% But the counter (##2) is passed to \@hyb such that is nicely printed as
%     "H^{human-readable series name}_{hybrid counter}"
% and not as
%     {roman number of series}{arabic numer of hybrid}
% ##1   Printable name (e.g. Theorem, Lemma, etc.); here this always equals "Hybrid"
% ##2   Printable and internally formatted counter value, i.e. {roman number of series}{arabic numer of hybrid}
% ##3   Optional decription
  \item[\hskip\labelsep \theorem@headerfont ##1\ $\@expand@hyb{##2}$\theorem@separator]%
  \item[\hskip\labelsep \theorem@headerfont ##1\ $\@expand@hyb{##2}$\ (##3)\theorem@separator]%

% Defines the hybrid-enviroment
% Uses the special @hybridstyle, make the counter \c@hybrid subordinate to \c@hybridseries and formats \c@hybrid as
%     {roman number of series}{arabic numer of hybrid}

% Defines name and label format for cleveref.
% Again, the formatted counter #1 is passed to \@hyb such that is nicely printed as
%     "H^{human-readable series name}_{hybrid counter}"
% and not as
%     {roman number of series}{arabic numer of hybrid}



To prove security, we define a sequence of hybrids first.


This \namecref{hyb:sec-foo} modifies \ldots

Didel di dum

We now show the indistinguishability of these hybrids, i.e. we show that
% TODO: Does not work.
%  \hyb{hyb:sec-foo} \equiv \hyb{hyb:sec-bar}

Privacy is also proven by a sequence of hybrds.


As in \cref{hyb:sec-foo}, this \namecref{hyb:priv-foobar} also \ldots

Didel di dum

  \begin{tabular}{l c c c}
    Label                     &  \texttt{ref}           &  \texttt{labelcref}           &      \texttt{cref} \\
    \texttt{hyb:sec-foo}      &  \ref{hyb:sec-foo}      &  \labelcref{hyb:sec-foo}      &  \cref{hyb:sec-foo}\\
    \texttt{hyb:sec-bar}      &  \ref{hyb:sec-bar}      &  \labelcref{hyb:sec-bar}      &  \cref{hyb:sec-bar}\\
    \texttt{hyb:priv-foobar}  &  \ref{hyb:priv-foobar}  &  \labelcref{hyb:priv-foobar}  &  \cref{hyb:priv-foobar}\\
    \texttt{hyb:priv-foo}     &  \ref{hyb:priv-foo}     &  \labelcref{hyb:priv-foo}     &  \cref{hyb:priv-foo}
  \caption{Test of References and Labels}%





  \expandafter\ifx\csname r@#1\endcsname\relax%
    \@latex@warning{Reference `#1' on page \thepage \space undefined}%
    \@expand@hyb{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@firstoffive\csname r@#1\endcsname}%



我首先解释为什么原始方法失败,然后解释最终解决方案的工作原理。\@expand@hyb期望它的参数(此处:)可以在这两个标记被使用之前\ref*{#1}扩展为两个标记。但是,是不可扩展的,因为它在内部使用。{roman value of \c@hybridseries}{arabic value of \c@hybrid}\@hyb\ref*{#1}\protect

所提出的解决方案或多或少是 的内联版本\ref*(没有 hyperref-magic),从而避免了有问题的\protect。让我从解决方案的 else-branch 开始,这是“好”的情况。当通过以下示例创建新标签时,\label{my-label}行将插入到辅助文件中


(Nb 在此示例中,系列计数器等于 i,而混合计数器等于 1。)当再次重新读取辅助文件时,\newlabel将宏定义\r@my-label{{i}{1}}{1}{}{hybrid.1.1}{}。在外层,这些是五个标记,第一个标记是两个标记的组{i}{1}。(Nb,hyperref 导致这五个标记,如果没有 hyperref,则只有两个。但请注意,这\r@my-label不是通常有效的宏名称,只能由构造\csname。)

现在,\hyb工作原理如下。它\r:my-label通过构造宏\csname r@#1\endcsname。然后\@firstoffive(来自 hyperref 包的内部宏)删除除第一个标记之外的所有标记,即{i}{1}剩余的标记。这些被传递给\@expand@hyb,最终扩展为\@hyb{i}{1}

\expandafter需要三个 的序列才能获得正确的扩展顺序。在执行 之前,必须构造\@firstoffive宏,即必须首先执行 。这会产生最正确的。但是不能应用于。后者将只是一个标记,而不是五个。相反,还必须扩展一次。这会产生另外两个。\r@my-label\csname\expandafter\@firstoffive\r@my-label\r@my-label\expandafter





似乎允许代码(包括方程式)编译。J Kormylo 在去年的评论中提到了这一点。根据我有限的理解,该方程式似乎产生了所需的结果。

我唯一能确定的问题是,\newhybridseries必须先定义一个系列,然后才能将其用于\hyb引用。因此,例如,如果在方程式 1 之前已发布,则\hyb{hyb:priv-foo}只能在方程式 1 中使用。\newhybridseries{\mathrm{privacy}}



% How the hybrid mechanism works
% Hybrids are defined by a theorem-like environment call "hybrid" using the counter \c@hybrid.
% Hybrids can be grouped into series.
% To make the reference unique, series are also counted using \c@hybridseries.
% Each time \c@hybridseries is advanced, \c@hybrid is reset.
% Series have a human-readable name.
% A hybrid should be printed as "H^{human-readable series name}_{hybrid counter}".
% To make this work correctly we need a little bit of trickery, because LaTeX writes the printable
% form of a label to the aux-file and not the plain values of the counters.
% Also, the "public" API of ntheorem and cref use the printable form of the counters.
% Under the hood the counter on the level of hybrid is internally formatted as
%    "{roman number of series}{arabic numer of hybrid}"
% The series counter is formatted as a roman number, because this allows to construct TeX macros that include the counter in their name.
% For example, \@hybridseriesnameiii expands to the human-readable name of the 3rd series.
% For convinience, there is the helper macro \@hybridseriesname{#1}.
% It takes the roman counter of a series as its only argument and constructs the makro \@hybridseriesname<#1>, i.e. eventually it is expanded to the human-readable name.


% The counter for the series formatted as a roman number

% A helper macro that expands to \hybridseriesname#1, e.g. \hybridseriesname{iii} expands to \hybridseriesnameiii
% #1   The series formatted as a roman number
  \csname @hybridseriesname#1\endcsname%

% Advances the series counter \c@hybridseries and defines a new command \hybridseriesname<counter>, e.g. \hybridseriesnameiii, that stores the human-readable name.
% #1 The human-readable name of the series; n.b., #1 is printed in math mode, hence, if it is a textual name, #1 should most probably something like \text{...} or \mathrm{...}
  \expandafter\def\csname @hybridseriesname\thehybridseries\endcsname{#1}%

% \@hyb takes an internally formatted counter value
%     {roman number of series}{arabic numer of hybrid}
% and expand to "H^{human-readable series name}_{hybrid counter}".
% The first part {roman number of series} is passed to \@hybridseriesname to convert it into the human-readable name.
% The second part {arabic number of hybrid} is used as is.

% \hyb takes a the designation of a label and expands to "H^{human-readable series name}_{hybrid counter}.
% \hyb is supposed to be used in math mode.

% A helper macro in the spirit of \@expandtwoargs from the LaTeX2e sources
% #1 is a token that ultimately expands into two tokens
%     {roman number of series}{arabic numer of hybrid}
% This macro first expands #1 and then lets \@hyb process the expanded #1
  \edef\reserved@hyb{\noexpand\@hyb #1}%

% This theorem style is mostly equivalent to the plain style.
% But the counter (##2) is passed to \@hyb such that is nicely printed as
%     "H^{human-readable series name}_{hybrid counter}"
% and not as
%     {roman number of series}{arabic numer of hybrid}
% ##1   Printable name (e.g. Theorem, Lemma, etc.); here this always equals "Hybrid"
% ##2   Printable and internally formatted counter value, i.e. {roman number of series}{arabic numer of hybrid}
% ##3   Optional decription
  \item[\hskip\labelsep \theorem@headerfont ##1\ $\@expand@hyb{##2}$\theorem@separator]%
  \item[\hskip\labelsep \theorem@headerfont ##1\ $\@expand@hyb{##2}$\ (##3)\theorem@separator]%

% Defines the hybrid-enviroment
% Uses the special @hybridstyle, make the counter \c@hybrid subordinate to \c@hybridseries and formats \c@hybrid as
%     {roman number of series}{arabic numer of hybrid}

% Defines name and label format for cleveref.
% Again, the formatted counter #1 is passed to \@hyb such that is nicely printed as
%     "H^{human-readable series name}_{hybrid counter}"
% and not as
%     {roman number of series}{arabic numer of hybrid}



To prove security, we define a sequence of hybrids first.


This \namecref{hyb:sec-foo} modifies \ldots

Didel di dum

We now show the indistinguishability of these hybrids, i.e. we show that
% TODO: Does not work.
  \hyb{hyb:sec-foo} \equiv \hyb{hyb:sec-bar}

Privacy is also proven by a sequence of hybrds.


As in \cref{hyb:sec-foo}, this \namecref{hyb:priv-foobar} also \ldots

Didel di dum

  \begin{tabular}{l c c c}
    Label                     &  \texttt{ref}           &  \texttt{labelcref}           &      \texttt{cref} \\
    \texttt{hyb:sec-foo}      &  \ref{hyb:sec-foo}      &  \labelcref{hyb:sec-foo}      &  \cref{hyb:sec-foo}\\
    \texttt{hyb:sec-bar}      &  \ref{hyb:sec-bar}      &  \labelcref{hyb:sec-bar}      &  \cref{hyb:sec-bar}\\
    \texttt{hyb:priv-foobar}  &  \ref{hyb:priv-foobar}  &  \labelcref{hyb:priv-foobar}  &  \cref{hyb:priv-foobar}\\
    \texttt{hyb:priv-foo}     &  \ref{hyb:priv-foo}     &  \labelcref{hyb:priv-foo}     &  \cref{hyb:priv-foo}
  \caption{Test of References and Labels}%





在下面的例子中,这是通过根据 定义事物来完成的\protected\def。(由于某些不为人知的原因,当将 thm 文件的条目写入 aux 文件\DeclareRobustCommand时,不起作用。)\@writefile



% How the hybrid mechanism works
% Hybrids are defined by a theorem-like environment call "hybrid" using the counter \c@hybrid.
% Hybrids can be grouped into series.
% To make the reference unique, series are also counted using \c@hybridseries.
% Each time \c@hybridseries is advanced, \c@hybrid is reset.
% Series have a human-readable name.
% A hybrid should be printed as "H^{human-readable series name}_{hybrid counter}".
% Also, the "public" API of ntheorem and cref use the printable form of the counters.


% Counter for hybridseries
  \protected\def\mathrmifmmode{\csname\texorpdfstring{\ifmmode mathrm\else @firstofone\fi}{@firstofone}\endcsname}%
% This theorem style is mostly equivalent to the plain style.
% ##1   Printable name (e.g. Theorem, Lemma, etc.); here this always equals "Hybrid"
% ##2   Printable and internally formatted counter value, i.e. {roman number of series}{arabic numer of hybrid}
% ##3   Optional decription
  \item[\hskip\labelsep \theorem@headerfont ##1\ ##2\theorem@separator]%
  \item[\hskip\labelsep \theorem@headerfont ##1\ ##2\ (##3)\theorem@separator]%

    \texorpdfstring{\ifmmode H^{#1}_{#2}\else $H^{#1}_{#2}$\fi}{H\string^\string{#1\string}\string_\string{#2\string}}%


    \@dottedtocline{-2}{0em}{3.8em}{#1 \protect\numberline{#2}#3}{#4}%
      \@dottedtocline{-2}{0em}{3.8em}{#1 \protect\numberline{#2}#3}{\hyper@linkstart{link}{#5}{#4}\hyper@linkend}%
      \@dottedtocline{-2}{0em}{3.8em}{\hyper@linkstart{link}{#5}{#1 \protect\numberline{#2}#3}\hyper@linkend}{#4}%



\section*{List of hybrids}



To prove security, we define a sequence of hybrids first.


This \namecref{hyb:sec-foo} modifies \ldots

Didel di dum

We now show the indistinguishability of these hybrids, i.e. we show that
% TODO: Does not work.
  \ref*{hyb:sec-foo} \equiv \ref*{hyb:sec-bar}

Privacy is also proven by a sequence of hybrds.


As in \cref{hyb:sec-foo}, this \namecref{hyb:priv-foobar} also \ldots

Didel di dum

  \begin{tabular}{l c c c}
    Label                     &  \texttt{ref}           &  \texttt{labelcref}           &      \texttt{cref} \\
    \texttt{hyb:sec-foo}      &  \ref{hyb:sec-foo}      &  \labelcref{hyb:sec-foo}      &  \cref{hyb:sec-foo}\\
    \texttt{hyb:sec-bar}      &  \ref{hyb:sec-bar}      &  \labelcref{hyb:sec-bar}      &  \cref{hyb:sec-bar}\\
    \texttt{hyb:priv-foobar}  &  \ref{hyb:priv-foobar}  &  \labelcref{hyb:priv-foobar}  &  \cref{hyb:priv-foobar}\\
    \texttt{hyb:priv-foo}     &  \ref{hyb:priv-foo}     &  \labelcref{hyb:priv-foo}     &  \cref{hyb:priv-foo}
  \caption{Test of References and Labels}%


