使用 threeparttable 在页面内水平居中表格

使用 threeparttable 在页面内水平居中表格

我确信这个问题之前在某个地方已经得到解决,但我很难找到答案,非常感谢您的帮助。我尝试在各个地方插入 \centering 或使用 center 环境,但似乎无法找到答案。

我试图将表格置于页面中央,但使用 threeparttable 似乎会将表格推到左侧 - 导致其在左边距之后立即开始。我希望表格与页面左边缘之间的距离等于表格与页面右边缘之间的距离。以下是我当前设置的示例:

\documentclass[authoryear, review, 12pt, times]{elsarticle}
\usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1in, left=1in, right=1in]{geometry}
\usepackage{setspace}  % has commands for singlespacing, onehalfspacing, and doublespacing

\newcolumntype{L}[1]{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{#1}}  % These 3 lines define new column types mainly to allow for centered column of user defined width
%\pagenumbering{gobble}      % Supresses page number 


\bfseries{\footnotesize{Table 1. Test Table.}} \\ [2mm]
\begin{tabular}[pos]{L{7.0cm} R{2.0cm}} 
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Dependent Variable: Outcome Var} \\ 
$Variable 1$ & 0.123 \\
& (1.00) \\ [1.5mm]
$Variable 2$ & 0.456 \\
& (1.65) \\ [1.5mm]
$Variable 3$ & 0.789 \\
& (1.96) \\ [1.5mm]
$Variable 4$ & 1.123 \\
& (2.59) \\ [1.5mm]
$Variable 5$ & 1.456 \\
& (3.00) \\ [1.5mm]
$Variable 6$ & 1.789 \\
& (3.20) \\ [1.5mm]
$Variable 7$ & 2.000 \\
& (3.50) \\ [10.0mm]

Some Info & Yes \\ [0.5mm]
Other Info & No \\ [0.5mm]
Observations & Ample \\ [0.5mm]
Random Statistic & 1,505.37 \\ [0.5mm]
Last Piece of Info & 100.00 \\
\normalfont{\textnormal{This table displays information. It is just being used to see if I can actually center this thing, which has proved more difficult than anticipated. }}}



  • 和之间没有\centering指令。\begin{table}\begin{threeparttable}

  • 环境threeparttable有三个 [惊喜!] 正式组成部分:标题、tabular(或tabular*、或tabularx等)环境和tablenotes环境。考虑到这一点,指令

    \bfseries{\footnotesize{Table 1. Test Table.}} \\ [2mm]




\documentclass[authoryear, review, 12pt, times]{elsarticle}
\usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1in, left=1in, right=1in]{geometry}
\usepackage{setspace}  % has commands for singlespacing, onehalfspacing, and doublespacing

\newcolumntype{L}[1]{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{#1}}  % These 3 lines define new column types mainly to allow for centered column of user defined width
%\pagenumbering{gobble}      % Supresses page number 

\oddsidemargin = 4cm

\bfseries{\footnotesize{Table 1. Test Table.}} \\ [2mm]
\begin{tabular}[pos]{L{7.0cm} R{2.0cm}} 
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Dependent Variable: Outcome Var} \\ 
$Variable 1$ & 0.123 \\
& (1.00) \\ [1.5mm]
$Variable 2$ & 0.456 \\
& (1.65) \\ [1.5mm]
$Variable 3$ & 0.789 \\
& (1.96) \\ [1.5mm]
$Variable 4$ & 1.123 \\
& (2.59) \\ [1.5mm]
$Variable 5$ & 1.456 \\
& (3.00) \\ [1.5mm]
$Variable 6$ & 1.789 \\
& (3.20) \\ [1.5mm]
$Variable 7$ & 2.000 \\
& (3.50) \\ [10.0mm]

Some Info & Yes \\ [0.5mm]
Other Info & No \\ [0.5mm]
Observations & Ample \\ [0.5mm]
Random Statistic & 1,505.37 \\ [0.5mm]
Last Piece of Info & 100.00 \\
\normalfont{\textnormal{This table displays information. It is just being used to see if I can actually center this thing, which has proved more difficult than anticipated. }}}


% 我所做的是添加\oddsiemargin =4cm。桌子结束后,必须设置\oddsidemargin=0
