包 siunitx 错误:无效的数字输入‘E’。$RET$&

包 siunitx 错误:无效的数字输入‘E’。$RET$&


\setlength\tabcolsep{4pt} % default: 6pt  % '2pt' is not exactly much
\usepackage[justification = centering]{caption}



    {Geological fm.} &{L mean} &{L std} &{R mean}  &{R std}\\
    {Geological fm.} &{L mean} &{L std} &{R mean}  &{R std}\\
    \multicolumn{5}{r}{\footnotesize\textit{Continued on the next page}}
    $MAC$&  377.9&  41.7&   14.4&   1.8 \\
    $MAC$&  423.9&  36.5&   15.8&   1.9 \\
    $MAC$&  425.3&  33.3&   14.0&   2.6 \\
    $MAC$&  466.3&  56.8&   20.8&   5.6 \\
    $MAC$&  499.8&  86.4&   20.2&   7.0 \\
    $MAC$&  538.8&  45.3&   26.3&   2.4 \\
    $MAC$&  543.7&  47.4&   26.5&   2.8 \\
    $MAC$&  588.1&  122.7&  40.1&   7.2 \\
    $MAC$&  601.7&  143.7&  44.1&   5.6 \\
    $MAC$&  614.5&  54.4&   27.4&   2.9 \\
    $MAC$&  623.7&  80.7&   33.7&   4.7 \\
    $RET$&  636.7&  121.9&  35.7&   6.9 \\
    $RET$&  691.2&  51.4&   40.9&   5.0 \\
    $MAC$&  710.3&  59.6&   39.0&   4.3 \\
    $MAC$&  761.3&  60.3&   57.7&   2.3 \\
    $MAC$&  762.9&  41.6&   58.5&   1.5 \\
    $MAC$&  766.8&  36.2&   56.4&   2.0 \\
    $MAC$&  767.0&  49.7&   58.9&   1.8 \\
    $MAC$&  774.0&  39.1&   59.2&   2.3 \\
    $MAC$&  780.0&  64.2&   57.0&   2.5 \\



Package siunitx Error: Invalid numerical input 'E'. $RET$&

我怎样才能告诉 Latex 第一列不是数字输入?





\setlength\tabcolsep{4pt} % default: 6pt  % '2pt' is not exactly much
\usepackage[justification = centering]{caption}
%%%%\usepackage{setspace}  % don't load packages repeatedly




%\singlespacing   % <-- not needed for 'longtable'
    @{} }
    %% header and footer information
    {Geological fm.} &{L mean} &{L std} &{R mean} &{R std}\\

    {Geological fm.} &{L mean} &{L std} &{R mean} &{R std}\\

    \multicolumn{5}{r}{\footnotesize\textit{Continued on the next page}}


    %% body of longtable
    MAC&  377.9&  41.7&   14.4&   1.8 \\
    MAC&  423.9&  36.5&   15.8&   1.9 \\
    MAC&  425.3&  33.3&   14.0&   2.6 \\
    MAC&  466.3&  56.8&   20.8&   5.6 \\
    MAC&  499.8&  86.4&   20.2&   7.0 \\
    MAC&  538.8&  45.3&   26.3&   2.4 \\
    MAC&  543.7&  47.4&   26.5&   2.8 \\
    MAC&  588.1&  122.7&  40.1&   7.2 \\
    MAC&  601.7&  143.7&  44.1&   5.6 \\
    MAC&  614.5&  54.4&   27.4&   2.9 \\
    MAC&  623.7&  80.7&   33.7&   4.7 \\
    RET&  636.7&  121.9&  35.7&   6.9 \\
    RET&  691.2&  51.4&   40.9&   5.0 \\
    MAC&  710.3&  59.6&   39.0&   4.3 \\
    MAC&  761.3&  60.3&   57.7&   2.3 \\
    MAC&  762.9&  41.6&   58.5&   1.5 \\
    MAC&  766.8&  36.2&   56.4&   2.0 \\
    MAC&  767.0&  49.7&   58.9&   1.8 \\
    MAC&  774.0&  39.1&   59.2&   2.3 \\
    MAC&  780.0&  64.2&   57.0&   2.5 \\

