为什么这个逆时针 BibTeX 列表中的编号不正确?

为什么这个逆时针 BibTeX 列表中的编号不正确?

2014 年,我写了一份简历,其中引用了以下模板。

我的想法是从谷歌学术下载一份出版物列表“google.bib”,然后按年份和类别反向排序。然后当我需要再次申请工作时,唯一的步骤就是下载我的 google.bib。然而,旧模板似乎不能正常工作。我可以看到反向年份仍然有效,但计数器似乎不起作用。LateX 改变了吗,还是我错过了什么?我尝试了其他 bibtex 文件,效果相同。


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BIBLATEX CV STUFF   %
                      backend=biber]{biblatex}%% BIBLATEX CV STUFF  %
% Script for separating publication types and labels.

% Print labelnumber as actual number, plus item total, minus one

% Initialize category counters

% Increment category counters

%Modify \bibbycategory to set item total


\defbibheading{article}{\subsubsection{Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications}}
\defbibheading{inproceedings}{\subsubsection{Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings}}
%\defbibheading{report}{\subsubsection{Technical Reports, Proposals \& Theses}}
%\defbibheading{unpublished}{\subsubsection{Invited Talks}}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%END% BIBLATEX CV STUFF   %

\title{McNamerson CV}
\author{Namey McNamerson}

\addbibresource{google.bib}% my google scholar bib  


The following represent my scholarly output over the timeframe from 1965--Present.



以下是 bib 文件示例 -


   author = "Mark Goresky and Robert MacPherson",
    title = "On the topology of complex algebraic maps",
booktitle = "Algebraic Geometry Proceedings, La R\'abida,
             Lecture Notes in Mathematics",
   number = 961,
     year = 1981}    

   author = "Micha{\l} Kwieci\'nski",
    title = "Mac{P}herson's graph construction",
booktitle = "Algebraic Geometry, 
             Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics",
   editor = "Sinan Sert{\"o}z",
   volume = 193,
     year = 1987}

   author = "Robert MacPherson",
    title = "Singularities of vector bundle maps",
booktitle = "Proceedings of Liverpool Singularities, 
             Lecture Notes in Mathematics",
   number = 192,
     year = 1981} 

   author = "Theodore Shifrin",
    title = "Curvature integrals and {C}hern classes of singular varieties",
booktitle = "Integral Geoemetry, Proceedings,
             Contemporary Mathematics",
   volume = 63,
     year = 1984}

   author = "D. Sullivan",
    title = "Combinatorical invariants of analytic spaces",
booktitle = "Proceedings of Liverpool Singularities, 
             Lecture Notes in Mathematics",
   number = 192,
     year = 1981}

  author = "L\^e D{\~u}ng Trang and Zoghman Mebkhout",
   title = "Vari\'et\'es caract\'er\-istiques et vari\'et\'es polaires",
 journal = "C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris",
  volume = 296,
    year = 1983,
   pages = "129--132"}

  author = "Jo{\"e}l Biran{\c c}on and Philippe Maisonobe and Michel Merle",
   title = "Localisation de syst\`emes diff\'erentiels, stratifications
            de {W}hitney et condition de {T}hom",
 journal = "Invent. Math.",
  volume = 117,
    year = 1994,
   pages = "531--550"}

  author = "Adam Parusi\'nski and Piotr Pragacz",
   title = "A formula for the {E}uler characteristic of singular hypersurfaces",
 journal = "J. Alg. Geom.",
  volume = 4,
    year = 1995,
   pages = "337-351"}

  author = "Jean--Luc Brylinski",
   title = "({C}o)--{H}omologie d'intersection et faisceaux pervers",
 journal = "S\'eminaire Bourbaki",
  volume = 585,
    year = 1982,
   pages = "129--157"}

  author = "Gary Kennedy",
   title = "Specialization of {M}ac{P}herson's {C}hern classes",
 journal = "Math. Scand.",
  volume = 66,
    year = 1990,
   pages = "12--16"}





     {Failed to patch \string\blx@bibcategory}
     {Maybe its definition has changed}}








     {Failed to patch \string\blx@bibcategory}
     {Maybe its definition has changed}}


\defbibheading{article}{\subsubsection{Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications}}
\defbibheading{inproceedings}{\subsubsection{Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings}}

   author = "Mark Goresky and Robert MacPherson",
    title = "On the topology of complex algebraic maps",
booktitle = "Algebraic Geometry Proceedings, La R\'abida,
             Lecture Notes in Mathematics",
   number = 961,
     year = 1981}    

   author = "Micha{\l} Kwieci\'nski",
    title = "Mac{P}herson's graph construction",
booktitle = "Algebraic Geometry, 
             Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics",
   editor = "Sinan Sert{\"o}z",
   volume = 193,
     year = 1987}

   author = "Robert MacPherson",
    title = "Singularities of vector bundle maps",
booktitle = "Proceedings of Liverpool Singularities, 
             Lecture Notes in Mathematics",
   number = 192,
     year = 1981} 

   author = "Theodore Shifrin",
    title = "Curvature integrals and {C}hern classes of singular varieties",
booktitle = "Integral Geoemetry, Proceedings,
             Contemporary Mathematics",
   volume = 63,
     year = 1984}

   author = "D. Sullivan",
    title = "Combinatorical invariants of analytic spaces",
booktitle = "Proceedings of Liverpool Singularities, 
             Lecture Notes in Mathematics",
   number = 192,
     year = 1981}

  author = "L\^e D{\~u}ng Trang and Zoghman Mebkhout",
   title = "Vari\'et\'es caract\'er\-istiques et vari\'et\'es polaires",
 journal = "C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris",
  volume = 296,
    year = 1983,
   pages = "129--132"}

  author = "Jo{\"e}l Biran{\c c}on and Philippe Maisonobe and Michel Merle",
   title = "Localisation de syst\`emes diff\'erentiels, stratifications
            de {W}hitney et condition de {T}hom",
 journal = "Invent. Math.",
  volume = 117,
    year = 1994,
   pages = "531--550"}

  author = "Adam Parusi\'nski and Piotr Pragacz",
   title = "A formula for the {E}uler characteristic of singular hypersurfaces",
 journal = "J. Alg. Geom.",
  volume = 4,
    year = 1995,
   pages = "337-351"}

  author = "Jean-Luc Brylinski",
   title = "({C}o)--{H}omologie d'intersection et faisceaux pervers",
 journal = "S\'eminaire Bourbaki",
  volume = 585,
    year = 1982,
   pages = "129--157"}

  author = "Gary Kennedy",
   title = "Specialization of {M}ac{P}herson's {C}hern classes",
 journal = "Math. Scand.",
  volume = 66,
    year = 1990,
   pages = "12--16"}



The following represent my scholarly output over the timeframe from 1965--Present.



