





\newcounter{proof}[section] % adds a new counter for the proof environment included in the amsthm package that restarts for every new section
\renewcommand{\theproof}{\thesection.\arabic{proof}} % adds the section number before your proof counters
\renewcommand{\proofname}{\refstepcounter{proof}Proof \theproof} % the \proofname was embedded in your proof environment to output the italicized 'Proof', which is displayed at the beginning of every proof. This changes the \proofname to print 'Proof' and \theproof, which we defined as the section-proof counter above. This adds a counter to your proofs so you can hyperref them.


this is proof one.

This should reference proof \ref{p1}, which should display as proof 1.1.
this is definition one.
As we can see, this is not a problem when I reference definition \ref{d1}.

this is proof two.
This should reference proof \ref{p2}, which should display as proof 2.1.

this is definition two.
As we can see, this is not a problem when I reference definition \ref{d2}.





您的\refstepcounter是在 的可选参数中发出的,\item而 的对应值在 被处理\@currentlabel后就会被遗忘\item,因此您实际上获得了对节号的引用。您可以通过单击引用来检查它。




\renewcommand{\proofname}{Proof \theproof}



this is proof one.

This should reference proof \ref{p1}, which should display as proof 1.1.
this is definition one.
As we can see, this is not a problem when I reference definition \ref{d1}.

this is proof two.
This should reference proof \ref{p2}, which should display as proof 2.1.

this is definition two.
As we can see, this is not a problem when I reference definition \ref{d2}.






% save \proof

\renewcommand{\proofname}{Proof \theproof}



this is proof one.

This should reference proof \ref{p1}, which should display as proof 1.1.
this is definition one.
As we can see, this is not a problem when I reference definition \ref{d1}.

this is proof two.
This should reference proof \ref{p2}, which should display as proof 2.1.

this is definition two.
As we can see, this is not a problem when I reference definition \ref{d2}.

An unnumbered proof.




xpatch可以使用提供 (xpatch pre to command) 宏的包在命令开头添加内容\xpretocmd。这对于环境也同样适用,类似 proof 的环境定义了两个命令,一个命令通过 执行,\begin{proof}内部调用\proof,另一个命令通过 执行,\end{proof}内部调用\endproof






\newcounter{proof}[section] % adds a new counter for the proof environment included in the amsthm package that restarts for every new section
\renewcommand{\theproof}{\thesection.\arabic{proof}} % adds the section number before your proof counters
\renewcommand{\proofname}{\refstepcounter{proof}Proof \theproof} % the \proofname was embedded in your proof environment to output the italicized 'Proof', which is displayed at the beginning of every proof. This changes the \proofname to print 'Proof' and \theproof, which we defined as the section-proof counter above. This adds a counter to your proofs so you can hyperref them. 


this is proof one.

This should reference proof \ref{p1}, which should display as proof 1.1.
this is definition one.
As we can see, this is not a problem when I reference definition \ref{d1}.

this is proof two.
This should reference proof \ref{p2}, which should display as proof 2.1.

this is definition two.
As we can see, this is not a problem when I reference definition \ref{d2}.








然后,只要您有证明,\label请使用\prooflabel下面的方法,而不是 。

this is proof one.

This should reference proof \ref{p1}, which should display as proof 1.1.





查看 -environment 的代码proof可发现,\proofname只有在未提供可选参数的情况下才会执行。在这种情况下,作为a\proofname的可选参数的一部分执行。因此,在本地范围内执行。来自执行的将重新定义,但重新定义也将限于该本地范围。\trivlist\item\proofname\refstepcounter\proofname\@currentlabel

我强烈建议不要重新定义,\proofname因为包和 LaTeX 基础设施依赖于它仅保存用于引入证明的单词。

我建议重新定义proof-environment,以便可选参数的默认值不是\proofname另一个宏,而是调用未修改的宏并\proofname调用\refstepcounter然后“全球化” \@currentlabel

如果您这样做,将可选参数传递给proof-environment 仍然不会触发计数器的递增。



\xpatchcmd{\proof}{\itshape}{\itshape\gdef\@currentlabelname{#1}\csname phantomsection\endcsname}{}{}%



This is proof one.

\begin{proof}[\LcUcfork{M}y special proof]%
This is my special proof.

This proof is not numbered.

This is proof two.

This should reference proof \ref{p1.1}, which should display as proof 1.1.

This should reference \nameref{p1.1}, which should display as proof 1.1.

This should reference {\let\LcUcfork=\lowercase\nameref{special}}, which should display as my special proof.

This is definition one.
As we can see, this is not a problem when I reference definition \ref{d1.1}.

This is proof two.
This should reference proof \ref{p2.1}, which should display as proof 2.1.

This should reference \nameref{p2.1}, which should display as proof 2.1.

This is definition two.
As we can see, this is not a problem when I reference definition \ref{d2.1}.


