我想缩小 tikzpicture,以便它适合一页。除了线条粗细和箭头外,这个方法[thick,scale=0.6, every node/.style={transform shape}
这里。但是 Latex 似乎不认识该命令并给出错误。更改箭头大小的正确语法是什么?
\usetikzlibrary{fit, shapes, arrows.meta, positioning}
\newcommand{\empt}[3]{$#1_{ #2 }^{( #3 )}$}
\begin{tikzpicture}[thick,scale=0.6, every node/.style={transform shape},
% Styles
cell/.style={rectangle, rounded corners=5mm, draw},
operator/.style={circle,draw,inner sep=-0.5pt,minimum height =.25cm,fill = white},
function/.style={ellipse,draw,inner sep=1pt,fill = white},
ct/.style={circle,draw,line width = .75pt,fill=#1,minimum width=3mm,inner sep=1pt},
gt/.style={rectangle,draw,minimum width=7mm,minimum height=6mm,fill = white,inner sep=1pt},
ArrowC1/.style={rounded corners=.25cm,thick},
ArrowC2/.style={rounded corners=.5cm,thick},
%Start drawing the thing...
\foreach[evaluate=\x as \i using {div(\x,8)+1}] \x in {-8,0,8}
% set timesteps
% Draw the cell:
\node [cell, minimum height =4cm, minimum width=6cm] at (0+\x,0){} ;
% Draw inputs named ibox#
\node [gt] (ibox1\x) at (0+\x,0) {$ \varphi$};
% Draw nodes
\node[ct=lightgray, label=\empt{x}{\t}{i}] (h\x) at (-4+\x,1.5) {};
\node[ct=NavyBlue, label=180:\empt{x}{\T}{i-1}] (x\x) at (-2.5+\x,-3) {};
%\node[ct=gray, label=\empt{x}{t}{i}] (h2\x) at (4+\x,1.5) {};
\coordinate (h2\x) at (4+\x,1.5) {};
\node[ct=Mahogany, label=\empt{x}{\T}{i+1}] (x2\x) at (2.5+\x,3) {};
% Start connecting all.
\coordinate (low1\x) at (-1+\x,-1) {};
\coordinate (cen1\x) at (-1.5+\x,0) {};
\coordinate (top1\x) at (1.5+\x,1.5) {};
% upper right connectios from activationfunctions
\draw[-{Latex[arrowhead]}, ArrowC1] (x\x) |- (low1\x) -| (ibox1\x);
\draw[->, ArrowC1] (h\x) -| (cen1\x);
\draw[-, ArrowC1] (cen1\x) |- (low1\x);
\draw[-, ArrowC1] (ibox1\x) |- (top1\x);
\draw[-, ArrowC1] (top1\x) -- (h2\x);
\draw[-, ArrowC1] (top1\x) -| (x2\x);
\node[ct=lightgray, label=\empt{x}{t+1}{i}] (h2end) at (4+8,1.5) {};