我正在使用 overleaf 的 latex 模板制作自己的演示文稿。在 Microsoft Power point 中,制作动画非常容易。您能否告诉我如何在以下代码中添加动画。我希望文本首先出现(按下键盘上的 Enter 键时出现),然后是图形,最后是表格。所有这些都需要按顺序完成。
\only<0| handout:1>{\mbox{}}%
\invisible<0| handout:1>{#1}}
\mode<presentation> {
\frametitle{Results and Discussion(2/2)}
\item The deploy cost are relatively low.
\item For the execution cost of Fig.~\ref{gas} shows as the number increases, the consumption increases. $\rightarrow$ Exponential increase.
& GAS & Price (ETH) \\ \midrule
\texttt{Deploy} &742276 &0.0044537 \\
\texttt{Recieve} &76981 & 0.0004619 \\
% \setbeamercovered{dynamic}
\only<0| handout:1>{\mbox{}}%
\invisible<0| handout:1>{#1}}
\mode<presentation> {
\usepackage{graphicx} % Allows including images
% \usepackage[ruled,linesnumbered]{algorithm2e}
% \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{example-image-a}
\frametitle{Results and Discussion(2/2)}
\item The deploy cost isrelatively low.
\item For the execution cost of Fig.~\ref {gas} shows as the number increases, the GAS increases. $\rightarrow$ Exponential increase.
\pause%first break<--- allows you to take a break, to go on to the next step if you just click
\pause% second break <--- allows you to take a break, to go on to the next step if you just click
& GAS & Price (ETH) \\ \midrule
Deploy &742276 &0.0044537 \\
Receive &76981 & 0.0004619 \\