为什么 TeXlive 2017 无法编译 MiKTeX 2.9 可以正确编译的内容?

为什么 TeXlive 2017 无法编译 MiKTeX 2.9 可以正确编译的内容?

我有一篇使用spiemanclass 的论文,即将上传到期刊的网页。然后,他们的服务器会编译文件以生成合并的 PDF。











    \thmname{#1}\thmnumber{\@ifnotempty{#1}{ }\@upn{#2}}%
    \thmnote{ {\the\thm@notefont[#3]}}}

\newtheoremstyle{brakets}% Name
{}% space above
{}% space below
{\itshape}% body font
{}% indent
{\bfseries}% head font
{.}% punctuation after head
{ }% space after head (has to be space or dimension!)
{\thmheadbrackets{#1}{#2}{#3}}% head spec

\newtheoremstyle{defbrakets}% Name
{}% space above
{}% space below
{\normalfont}% body font
{}% indent
{\bfseries}% head font
{.}% punctuation after head
{ }% space after head (has to be space or dimension!)
{\thmheadbrackets{#1}{#2}{#3}}% head spec

\newtheoremstyle{defproblem}% Name
{}% space above
{}% space below
{\normalfont}% body font
{}% indent
{\bfseries}% head font
{.}% punctuation after head
{ }% space after head (has to be space or dimension!)
{\thmheadbrackets{#1}{#2}{#3}}% head spec





\DeclareFontShape{OT1}{pzc}{m}{it}{<-> s * [1.10] pzcmi7t}{}


\newcommand{\algrule}[1][.2pt]{\par\vskip.5\baselineskip\hrule height #1\par\vskip.5\baselineskip}

\title{This is some Title\footnote{This work was financially supported by grant number 111 and the MMM agreement number eee.}}

\author[a,*]{John Ryan Doe}
\author[b]{Brian Edward Henderson}
\affil[a]{School of Engineering, University of Sussex, UK}
\affil[b]{School of Cybernetics, Technical University of Munich, Germany}






{\noindent \footnotesize\textbf{*}Corresponding author: \linkable{[email protected]}}


当我使用 MiKTeX 2.9(特别是 XeLaTeX)在 Windows 10 上编译上述代码时,一切都很好:






日志文件显示服务器使用 Texlive 2017,但我不明白为什么日志档案返回这 3 个错误,而 MikTeX 对此却没有意见。

! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H   for immediate help.

l.121 \author[a
You're in trouble here.  Try typing    to proceed.
If that doesn't work, type  X   to quit.
! Undefined control sequence.
l.123 \affil
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
! Undefined control sequence.
l.124 \affil
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.

