

我在缩进方面遇到了麻烦。我希望一个非缩进的段落后面跟着一个缩进的多行示例。该示例应该有一个悬挂缩进。我试过使用该hanging包,但没有成功。这是一个 MWE:



\noindent Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. \\

{\textbf{Example}}: Suppose this is an example. I would like the example to be indented (yay, it is!), and I would like the text on the next line of the example to line up with the letter ``S" in ``Suppose" at the beginning of the first sentence in the example. \\

\noindent Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph.



\begin{description}[leftmargin=!,labelwidth=\widthof{\bfseries Example:}]
  \item [Example:] Suppose this is an example. I would like ... 



\begin{description}[leftmargin=!,labelwidth=\widthof{\bfseries Example:},labelindent=2.0em]
  \item [Example:] Suppose this is an example. I would like ... 







\noindent Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. 

\begin{description}[leftmargin=!,labelwidth=\widthof{\bfseries Example:}]
  \item [Example:] Suppose this is an example. I would like the example to be indented (yay, it is!), and I would like the text on the next line of the example to line up with the letter ``S" in ``Suppose" at the beginning of the first sentence in the example. 

\noindent Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph.


您永远不需要\indent\noindent在文档中,段落的布局应该是文档范围的设置,而不是每次都要指定的东西。也永远不要用 结束段落\\(LaTeX 在日志中对此发出警告)


\sbox0{\textbf{example}: }%
\list{}{\labelwidth\wd0 \leftmargin\wd0 \labelsep 0pt }


Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph.%no! \\

Suppose this is an example. I would like the example to be indented (yay, it is!), and I would like the text on the next line of the example to line up with the letter ``S'' in ``Suppose'' at the beginning of the first sentence in the example.%no!! \\

Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph.





\noindent Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. \\

\textbf{Example}: \parbox[t]{\linegoal}{Suppose this is an example. I would like the example to be indented (yay, it is!), and I would like the text on the next line of the example to line up with the letter ``S" in ``Suppose" at the beginning of the first sentence in the example. \\h. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. \\}

\noindent Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph. Words are here, and they form a paragraph.


