fontenc 包的输出看起来不太好?

fontenc 包的输出看起来不太好?

我正在写论文,我发现关闭 fontenc 包后,生成的 pdf 的字体颜色会变成全黑(像 MS Word 一样)。但是,当我打开这个包时,字体颜色会变得稍微不那么黑。此外,字母似乎被拉长了。我不确定这个问题是否真的是由这个包引起的。但是,我逐渐关闭了我正在使用的所有包,结果发现这种奇怪的行为是由 fontenc 包引起的。有人能帮我解释一下为什么会这样吗?我喜欢不使用 fontenc 包的输出,但如果不使用它,我的工作中就会丢失“<”和“>”符号。

    \chapter{Losses Management in Low Voltage Active Distribution Networks}
In countries around the world, power sectors are undergoing significant change, with the
desire to achieve sustainable, affordable and reliable electricity. Progress in both supply- and demand-side technologies, as well as increased digitalization and automation of end uses, is influencing how the power system is planned and operated. Responding to this change requires
innovative approaches across the entire power system, spanning both institutional reforms and
technical adaptations. In view of this, idea has attained significant attention across the globe to ensure the reliable and secure operation of power system.\par 
PST is an active process of creating policy, market and regulatory environments, as
well as establishing operational and planning practices, that accelerate investment, innovation
and the use of smart, efficient, resilient and environmentally sound technology options in order to facilitate and manage requisite changes in the power sector. The interactions of technology, the physical electricity infrastructure, and market, policy and regulatory frameworks formulate the key components of this process. Being highly context specific process, the solutions from one jurisdiction cannot simply be replicated in another; however, common themes are also emerging which allow to implement a number of transferable principles across several regions and countries. \par 
In this context, this chapter examines recent trends from the perspective of PST, with a particular focus on the current structure and pathways for transforming the power system, and evolution of local (medium- and low-voltage) grids. This is followed by a comprehensive discussion on the optimal operation of  in the context of power losses assessment, which ultimately sets the foundation of the thesis work.
