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Special Assignment Wing\\Controllerate of Quality Assurance \\ Armoured Vehicle Electronics\\Avadi, Chennai – 600 054}
\fancyhead[C]{\includegraphics[scale=.05]{C:/Users/"J S Bibra"/"Google Drive"/LATEX/images/ashoka.png} }
File No: 48332/2019/ISO/1 \\dt 28 Jun 2019}
Typeset in \LaTeX}
\raggedleft{(JS Bibra)\\
Colonel\\Jt Controller(SA)}
\raggedright \underline{Admin Officer}\\ \vspace{1pt}
\savebox\mybox{\hbox{\underline {Shri Peter J, } --\hskip 1pt}}
\begin{minipage} [t]{\restofline}
Please intimate the progress of the Board.
\fancyhead[L]{%cover page for key result areas
File No: 20211/JC/SA \\dt 06 Sep 2019}
\raggedleft % Right align the title page
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{\Huge\bfseries Areas \\[0.5\baselineskip] August 2019}\\[2\baselineskip] % Title
\item {\large\textit{ Canteen\\
\item ISO \\
\item Orders}}\\[4\baselineskip] % Subtitle or further description
{\Large\textsc{ js bibra}} % Author name, lower case for consistent small caps
\vspace{0.5\textheight} % Whitespace between the title block and the publisher
{\noindent The Publisher~~\plogo}\\
[\baselineskip] % Publisher and logo
File No: 48332/2019/ISO/2 \\dt 04 Jul 2019}
\underline{\textbf{INTER OFFICE NOTE}}\\
\underline{BOO: ISO 9001:2015}
\item Ref
\item AVL/20203/Est dt 19 Jun 2019.
\item Serial No 5 dt 29 Jan 2019.
\item 48332/2019/ISO/1 dt 28 Jun 2109.
\item Progress on the Board Proceedings.
\raggedleft{(JS Bibra)\\
\savebox\mybox{\hbox{\underline {Shri Peter J, PScO/ SA Wing } --\hskip 1pt}}
\begin{minipage} [t]{\restofline}
Please intimate the progress of the Board.
File No: 48332/2019/ISO/2 \\dt 07 Sep 2019}
\underline{\textbf{INTER OFFICE NOTE}}\\
\underline{ URC}
\item Ref remarks.
\item Please progress .
\raggedleft{(JS Bibra)\\
\savebox\mybox{\hbox{\underline {Shri Peter J, PScO/ SA Wing } --\hskip 1pt}}
\begin{minipage} [t]{\restofline}
Please intimate the progress.
- 一是您在有更改的每一页上都没有写任何内容,
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为了解决这个问题,我添加了一些虚拟文本,并在章节命令中重新定义了纯页面样式。(来自 Mico回答)。
\fancyhf{} %Same as \fancyheader{} \fancyfooter{}
\footnotesize File No: 48332/2019/ISO/1 28 Jun 2019}
\footnotesize File No: 48332/2019/ISO/2 04 Jul 2019}
\chapter{Movies I need to watch}
Here is a short list of movies \marginpar{Flag A -- This note will appear in the margin.} I need to watch some day:
\item The Longest Day
\item Kill Bill 1
\item Kill Bill 2
\item Pretty much every other movie created in the last 30 years. :)
\footnotesize File No: 48332/2019/ISO/2 07 Sep 2019