

使用 Latex Tikz 制作的第三级组织结构图




你可以随时添加一些 TiZ 命令用于向树中添加特征。在本例中,这是\draw最后的命令。我还使用 为根节点命名。要生成更多空间,您需要通过调整并添加一些来alias稍微移动树。fork sepyshift


  direction switch/.style={
    for tree={edge+=thick, font=\sffamily},
    where level>=1{folder, grow'=0}{for children=forked edge},
    where level=3{}{draw},

  % forest preamble: determine layout and format of tree
  direction switch,
  for tree={fork sep=3em}
  [Life Prediction Approaches and Techniques,yshift=3em,alias=LP
      [Satistical Model
        [Proportion Hazard Model]
        [Logistics Regression Model]
        [Cumulative Damage Model]
      [Kalman/Particle Filtering
      [Nonlinear Dynamics
      [Expert Systems
      [Fuzzy Logics
      [Parametric Distribution
        [Location Scale \& Log-Location Scale]
        [Normal \& Lognormal]
        [Smallest \& Largest Extreme Values]
        [Something Beginning with W]
        [Logistic \& Log-Logistic]
      [Nonparametric Distribution
      [Multivariate Statistical Method
        [Principal Component Analysis]
        [Something \& Something Else]
        [Another Thing]
        [A Final Thing Here]
      [Black-Box Methods
        [Decision Trees]
        [Multilayer Perceptions]
        [Neural Networks]
        [Radial Basis Functions]
        [Vector Quantification]
      [Signal Analysis
        [Auto-Something Here]
        [Fourier Transform]
        [Tidal Functions]
      [Graphical Model
        [Bayesian Network]
        [Hidden Markov Networks]
      [Self-Organising Feature Maps
([yshift=-1.5em]LP.south)  -- ++(-6em,0) node[left,draw,font=\sffamily,thin]{ABC}
([yshift=-1.5em]LP.south)  -- ++(6em,0) node[right,draw,font=\sffamily,thin]{XYZ};


旧答案:这就像添加一个级别并将子句中的数字移动where1 一样简单。

% ateb: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/271349/ addaswyd o gwestiwn OOzy Pal: https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/271170/
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/271349/194703

  direction switch/.style={
    for tree={edge+=thick, font=\sffamily},
    where level>=2{folder, grow'=0}{for children=forked edge},
    where level=4{}{draw},

  % forest preamble: determine layout and format of tree
  direction switch,
  [Life Prediction Approaches and Techniques
      [Satistical Model
        [Proportion Hazard Model]
        [Logistics Regression Model]
        [Cumulative Damage Model]
      [Kalman/Particle Filtering
      [Nonlinear Dynamics
      [Expert Systems
      [Fuzzy Logics
      [Parametric Distribution
        [Location Scale \& Log-Location Scale]
        [Normal \& Lognormal]
        [Smallest \& Largest Extreme Values]
        [Something Beginning with W]
        [Logistic \& Log-Logistic]
      [Nonparametric Distribution
      [Multivariate Statistical Method
        [Principal Component Analysis]
        [Something \& Something Else]
        [Another Thing]
        [A Final Thing Here]
      [Black-Box Methods
        [Decision Trees]
        [Multilayer Perceptions]
        [Neural Networks]
        [Radial Basis Functions]
        [Vector Quantification]
      [Signal Analysis
        [Auto-Something Here]
        [Fourier Transform]
        [Tidal Functions]
      [Graphical Model
        [Bayesian Network]
        [Hidden Markov Networks]
      [Self-Organising Feature Maps

