


    \documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
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%try to prevent widows and orphans (single lines on top/bottom of page)


  \caption{Summary of strategy performances}

          & \makecell{\textbf{Individual} \\ \textbf{Cryptocurrencies}} & \makecell{\textbf{Equally-weighted} \\ \textbf{benchmark}} & \makecell{\textbf{Risk-based} \\ \textbf{Strategies}} \\

    \multicolumn{2}{l}{\textit{Panel A: Risk and Return}}        &       &       \\
    Mean  & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+}  & \textbf{--} \\
    SD    & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\
    SR    & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--}   & \textbf{+} \\
    Min   & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+}   \\
    Max   & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\
    Skew  & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\
    Kurt  & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\
    \multicolumn{2}{l}{\textit{Panel B: Tail and Extreme Risk}}       &       &  \\
    VaR (5\%) & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\
    VaR (1\%) & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\
    CVaR(5\%) & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\
    CVaR (1\%)& \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\
    DD        & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\
    MD        & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\
    LPM       & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\
    \multicolumn{2}{l}{\textit{Panel C: Conditional Performance}}        &       &  \\
    Bull market & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\
    Bear market & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\

  \item\hspace{-2.5pt}\noindent\textit{Note:} The table
  provides xx



您的问题主要基于观点...因此,下面 MWE 的主要贡献是清理代码中所有不必要的重复,在列标题和介绍包中textbf使用thead而不是来编写表格注释:makecellthreepartablex

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, multirow, tabularx}

\usepackage{siunitx} %setze S in Tabelle, um nach dem Punkt auszurichten
           margin=30mm,headsep=10mm, footskip=12mm]{geometry}

  \caption{Summary of strategy performances}
    &   \thead{Individual\\ Cryptocurrencies}
        &   \thead{Equally-weighted\\ benchmark}
            &   \thead{Risk-based\\ Strategies}             \\
\multicolumn{4}{c}{\textit{Panel A: Risk and Return}}       \\
    Mean  & --  & +     & --    \\
    SD    & --  & --    & +     \\
    SR    & --  & --    & +     \\
    Min   & --  & --    & +     \\
    Max   & --  & --    & +     \\
    Skew  & --  & --    & +     \\
    Kurt  & --  & --    & +     \\
\multicolumn{4}{c}{\textit{Panel B: Tail and Extreme Risk}} \\
    VaR (5\%) & --  & --    & +     \\
    VaR (1\%) & --  & --    & +     \\
    CVaR(5\%) & --  & --    & +     \\
    CVaR (1\%)& --  & --    & +     \\
    DD        & --  & --    & +     \\
    MD        & --  & --    & +     \\
    LPM       & --  & --    & +     \\
\multicolumn{4}{c}{\textit{Panel C: Conditional Performance}}\\
    Bull market & --    & --    & + \\
    Bear market & --    & --    & + \\
  \note The table
  provides xx

上述 MWE 给出:



您可能对以下内容更满意。我习惯于@{\quad\quad}缩进第一列,而多列条目则不缩进。我还用 替换\item\hspace{-2.5pt}\noindent\textit{Note:}\note


\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}


  \caption{Summary of strategy performances}

          & \makecell{\textbf{Individual} \\ \textbf{Cryptocurrencies}} & \makecell{\textbf{Equally-weighted} \\ \textbf{benchmark}} & \makecell{\textbf{Risk-based} \\ \textbf{Strategies}} \\

    \multicolumn{2}{l}{\textit{Panel A: Risk and Return}}        &       &       \\
    Mean  & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+}  & \textbf{--} \\
    SD    & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\
    SR    & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--}   & \textbf{+} \\
    Min   & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+}   \\
    Max   & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\
    Skew  & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\
    Kurt  & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\
    \multicolumn{2}{l}{\textit{Panel B: Tail and Extreme Risk}}       &       &  \\
    VaR (5\%) & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\
    VaR (1\%) & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\
    CVaR(5\%) & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\
    CVaR (1\%)& \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\
    DD        & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\
    MD        & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\
    LPM       & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\
    \multicolumn{2}{l}{\textit{Panel C: Conditional Performance}}        &       &  \\
    Bull market & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\
    Bear market & \textbf{--} & \textbf{--} & \textbf{+} \\

  \note The table provides xx




\multicolumn{2}{l}{\textit{Panel ...}}       &       &  \\

\multicolumn{4}{l}{\textit{Panel ...}}  \\

为了美化表格的“外观”,我还将用 替换内部实例,\midrule并将和\addlinespace的所有实例分别替换为\textbf{+}和。此外,我看不出在 中渲染标题单元格的任何(印刷)理由\textbf{--}$\bm{+}$$\bm{-}$大胆的,并且threeparttable由于没有任何\tnote指令,使用机器似乎毫无意义。


\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
%%% I tried to simplify the preamble considerably...
\usepackage{%float, afterpage, rotating, 
\usepackage{tikz, %epstopdf,
            booktabs, tabularx}
%\usepackage{fancyvrb, moreverb, relsize}
%\usepackage{eurosym, calc, chngcntr}
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, %amsfonts, 
            amsthm, bm}
%\usepackage{tabularx, booktabs}
%\usepackage{multirow, booktabs, makecell, caption}
\usepackage[round, sort&compress]{natbib} 
    %sort&compress orders in-text citations automatically
\usepackage{siunitx} %setze S in Tabelle, um nach dem Punkt auszurichten
   % make footnotes appear on bottom and not end of text on single page
\geometry{a4paper, margin =30mm, headsep = 10mm, footskip = 12mm}

% prevent typographic widows and orphans:



  %\centering % redundant
  \setlength\tabcolsep{0pt} % <-- new
  \caption{Summary of strategy performances}
& \makecell{Individual \\ Cryptocurrencies} 
& \makecell{Equally-weighted \\ benchmark} 
& \makecell{Risk-based \\ Strategies} \\
\multicolumn{4}{l}{\textit{Panel A: Risk and Return}}  \\
    Mean  & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ & $\bm{-}$ \\
    SD    & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
    SR    & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
    Min   & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
    Max   & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
    Skew  & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
    Kurt  & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
\multicolumn{4}{l}{\textit{Panel B: Tail and Extreme Risk}} \\
    VaR (5\%) & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
    VaR (1\%) & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
    CVaR(5\%) & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
    CVaR (1\%)& $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
    DD        & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
    MD        & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
    LPM       & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
\multicolumn{4}{l}{\textit{Panel C: Conditional Performance}}  \\
    Bull market & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
    Bear market & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\

\textit{Note:} The table provides \dots




\usepackage{lmodern, booktabs}
%% new: define 2 new column types: L and C
     \hangafter=1\hangindent=1.5em}X} % automatic hanging indentation

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsthm, bm}


\caption{Summary of strategy performances}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} L{1.45} *{2}{C{0.95}} C{0.65} @{}} 
  % 1.45+2*0.95+0.65 = 4 = # of columns of type "X"
& Individual Cryptocurrencies & Equally-weighted benchmark & Risk-based Strategies \\
\textit{Panel A: Risk and Return}  \\
    Mean  & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ & $\bm{-}$ \\
    SD    & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
    SR    & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
    Min   & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
    Max   & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
    Skew  & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
    Kurt  & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
\textit{Panel B: Tail and Extreme Risk} \\
    VaR (5\%) & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
    VaR (1\%) & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
    CVaR(5\%) & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
    CVaR (1\%)& $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
    DD        & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
    MD        & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
    LPM       & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
\textit{Panel C: Conditional Performance} \\
    Bull market & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\
    Bear market & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{-}$ & $\bm{+}$ \\

\textit{Note:} The table provides \dots
