如何修复 tlmgr 错误并安装 tikz-network.sty?

如何修复 tlmgr 错误并安装 tikz-network.sty?

我经常使用 latex。我想安装 tikz-network。以下是几个命令行及其结果。

$ tlmgr --version
(running on Debian, switching to user mode!)
tlmgr revision 46207 (2018-01-04 19:34:36 +0100)
tlmgr using installation: /usr/share/texlive
TeX Live (http://tug.org/texlive) version 2017

# tlmgr install tikz-network
(running on Debian, switching to user mode!)
tlmgr: Remote repository is newer than local (2017 < 2019)
Cross release updates are only supported with
  update-tlmgr-latest(.sh/.exe) --update
Please see https://tug.org/texlive/upgrade.html for details.

$ tlmgr update all
(running on Debian, switching to user mode!)
tlmgr: Remote repository is newer than local (2017 < 2019)
Cross release updates are only supported with
  update-tlmgr-latest(.sh/.exe) --update
Please see https://tug.org/texlive/upgrade.html for details.

$ update-tlmgr-latest --update
update-tlmgr-latest: command not found
