cventry 中的换行符

cventry 中的换行符

我正在使用乳胶风格的 moderncv 和命令\cventry,其定义如下:

% makes a typical resume job / education entry
% usage: \cventry[spacing]{years}{degree/job title}{institution/employer}{localization}{optionnal: grade/...}{optional: comment/job description}


MWE 如下:

\address{Somewhere Street, Somewhere}{12345}{Country}



\section{Current Employment}



\item{\cventry{date--present}{Job Title}{Job name}{Long name of my current employer which causes an overfull hbox and runs off the edge of the page}{}{}{\vspace{3pt}}}





理想情况下,我想将溢出的 Hbox 换到新行(仍然右对齐,以便“我当前雇主的长名称......”不会与左侧的 Hbox(“职位”)冲突并超出右侧边缘。 有办法做到这一点吗?



\newcommand*{\mycventry}[8][.25em]{ % <=================================
  {\bfseries #4} & {\bfseries #5}\\% 
   & {\bfseries #8} \\ % <==============================================
  {\itshape #3\ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{}}{}{, #6}} & {\itshape #2}\\% 

如您所见,我添加了第 8 个参数 ( #8) 来获取所需文本的第二部分。因此,参数 5 ( #5) 获取文本的第一部分,参数 8 获取文本的第二部分。如果您愿意,可以更改使用的参数以获取两个文本部分,例如参数 5 和 6,但随后您必须更改新命令\mycventry。您的情况非常特殊,我认为上面给出的解决方案已经足够好了……您可以像这样使用:

\item \mycventry{date--present--2}%
  {Job Title--3}%
  {Job name--4}%
  {Long name of my current employer whichcauses an--5}%
  { overfull hbox and runs off the edge of the page--8}% <=========================





\address{Somewhere Street, Somewhere}{12345}{Country}

\newcommand*{\mycventry}[8][.25em]{ % <=================================
  {\bfseries #4} & {\bfseries #5}\\% 
   & {\bfseries #8} \\ % <==============================================
  {\itshape #3\ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{}}{}{, #6}} & {\itshape #2}\\% 



\section{Current Employment}



%\item \cventry{date--present--2}{Job Title--3}{Job name--4}{Long name of my current employer whichcauses an overfull hbox \\ and runs off the edge of the page--5}{--6}{--7}%{\vspace{3pt}}

\item \mycventry{date--present--2}{Job Title--3}{Job name--4}{Long name of my current employer whichcauses an--5}{--6}{--7}{ overfull hbox and runs off the edge of the page--8}% <=========================

\item \cventry{year--year--2}{Degree--3}{Institution--4}{City--5}{\textit{Grade}--6}{Description--7}  % arguments 4 to 7 can be left empty

\item \cventry{year--year--2}{Degree--3}{}{}{}{}  % arguments 4 to 7 can be left empty



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生成的 pdf
