



\newgeometry{vmargin={30mm}, hmargin={25mm,25mm}}


\caption{The pseudo code of the proposed accelerated BDA}\label{Alg2}
\Statex Initiate the algorithm
\State $nPop \gets$ Size of population
\For {$n = 1:nPop$}
    \State $x_{ijk}$ and $l_{ijk} \gets 0$ \: \: $\forall i,j \in \mathcal{N}; k \in \mathcal{V}$
    \State $PC \gets$ All possible combinations of manufacturers and distributors
    \While {further retailer can be possibly assigned to vehicles}
        \State Randomly select a combination of manufacturer and distributor from $PC$
        \State $i \gets$ the selected manufacturer, $j \gets$ the selected distributor and
        \Statex $k \gets$ the first available vehicle of manufacturer $i$
        \If {}






\newgeometry{vmargin={30mm}, hmargin={25mm,25mm}}



\caption{The pseudo code of the proposed accelerated BDA}\label{Alg2}
\Statex Initiate the algorithm
\State $nPop \gets$ Size of population
\For {$n = 1:nPop$}
    \State $x_{ijk}$ and $l_{ijk} \gets 0$ \: \: $\forall i,j \in \mathcal{N}; k \in \mathcal{V}$
    \State $PC \gets$ All possible combinations of manufacturers and distributors
    \While {further retailer can be possibly assigned to vehicles}
        \State Randomly select a combination of manufacturer and distributor from $PC$
        \SplitState{$i \gets$ the selected manufacturer, $j \gets$ the selected distributor and \\
               $k \gets$ the first available vehicle of manufacturer $i$}
        \If {}





\newgeometry{vmargin={30mm}, hmargin={25mm,25mm}}



\caption{The pseudo code of the proposed accelerated BDA}\label{Alg2}
\Statex Initiate the algorithm
\State $nPop \gets$ Size of population
\For {$n = 1:nPop$}
    \State $x_{ijk}$ and $l_{ijk} \gets 0$ \: \: $\forall i,j \in \mathcal{N}; k \in \mathcal{V}$
    \State $PC \gets$ All possible combinations of manufacturers and distributors
    \While {further retailer can be possibly assigned to vehicles}
        \State Randomly select a combination of manufacturer and distributor from $PC$
        \State $i \gets$ the selected manufacturer, $j \gets$ the selected distributor and
        \Statey $k \gets$ the first available vehicle of manufacturer $i$
        \If {}




您可以使用下面的定义- 它在适当宽度的op-aligned\brokenline内设置它的参数。添加 s 以确保基线也与 之外的内容一致。[t]\parbox\strut\parbox




\newcommand{\brokenline}[2][t]{\parbox[#1]{\dimexpr\linewidth-\ALG@thistlm}{\strut\raggedright #2\strut}}


  \caption{The pseudo code of the proposed accelerated BDA}
    \Statex Initiate the algorithm
    \State $\mathit{nPop} \gets$ Size of population
    \For {$n = 1:\mathit{nPop}$}
      \State $x_{ijk}$ and $l_{ijk} \gets 0$ \: \: $\forall i,j \in \mathcal{N}; k \in \mathcal{V}$
      \State $PC \gets$ All possible combinations of manufacturers and distributors
      \While {further retailer can be possibly assigned to vehicles}
        \State \brokenline{%
          Randomly select a combination of manufacturer and distributor from $PC$}
        \State \brokenline{%
          $i \gets$ the selected manufacturer, $j \gets$ the selected distributor and
          $k \gets$ the first available vehicle of manufacturer $i$}
        \If {}

