Y 标签精度不起作用

Y 标签精度不起作用

我想知道为什么 y 轴没有显示完整的数字,即精度 = 4,尽管我有显示它所需的所有数字,所以:

100 0.895150425339557
200 0.900482595232357
300 0.903679079675768
400 0.905775901961456
500 0.906989289317474
600 0.907739560134421
700 0.908159905497467
800 0.908394225024818
900 0.908519432232782
1000 0.90861411822613


\usepackage{pgfplots, pgfplotstable}

\usepackage[english]{babel}         % multilenguaje

% grid style

    \node[star,star point ratio=2.25,minimum size=6pt,
    inner sep=0pt,draw=black,solid,fill=red] {};



    % This file was created by matplotlib2tikz v0.7.4.

    axis line style={black},
    legend cell align={left},
    legend style={at={(0.7,0.8)}, anchor=west, draw=black},
    tick align=outside,
    x grid style={dashed,black!60},
    xmin=55, xmax=1045,
    xtick style={color=black},
    y grid style={dashed,black!60},
    ymin=0.875453344823198, ymax=0.910193202673888,
    ytick style={black},
    xtick align=inside,
    ytick align=inside,
    grid = none,
    y tick label style={
        /pgf/number format/.cd,
        fixed zerofill,
    \addplot [mark =square*,mark options = {fill=blue},line width=1pt,blue, mark size=2.5pt]
    table {%
        100 0.895150425339557
        200 0.900482595232357
        300 0.903679079675768
        400 0.905775901961456
        500 0.906989289317474
        600 0.907739560134421
        700 0.908159905497467
        800 0.908394225024818
        900 0.908519432232782
        1000 0.90861411822613
    \addplot [mark =triangle*,mark options = {fill=red},line width=1pt,red, mark size=2.5pt]
    table {%
        100 0.885569549243323
        200 0.887070668935957
        300 0.888060950115143
        400 0.888591579965093
        500 0.888834814899663
        600 0.888949909904719
        700 0.889000205838998
        800 0.889021628991577
        900 0.889029473681479
        1000 0.889031852416184
    \addplot [mark=*,mark options = {fill=black},line width=1pt,black, mark size=2.5pt]
    table {%
        100 0.877032429270956
        200 0.877298698387484
        300 0.877426754279817
        400 0.877456082749727
        500 0.877463664128281
        600 0.877464908640126
        700 0.877464997368712
        800 0.87746508858427
        900 0.877465105556874
        1000 0.877465107569633



在的帮助下,我删除了get\pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,1000 sep={}}中的逗号。1,0001000

我还替换了ymin=0.875453344823198, ymax=0.910193202673888,ymin=0.875, ymax=0.91以便将相应的刻度与 x 轴对齐。

按照precision=4您的要求保留 4 位小数。由于相邻刻度之间的间隔为0.005(3 位小数),因此第四位小数位仅用0s 填充,正如使用 所要求的那样fixed zerofill。为了解决这个问题,我们可以使用 更改间隔ytick distance=0.0025


\usepackage{pgfplots, pgfplotstable}

\pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,1000 sep={}}  %<----- Added to remove thousand separator



    axis line style={black},
    legend cell align={left},
    legend style={at={(0.7,0.8)}, anchor=west, draw=black},
    tick align=outside,
    x grid style={dashed,black!60},
    xmin=55, xmax=1045,
    xtick style={color=black},
    y grid style={dashed,black!60},
    ymin=0.875, ymax=0.91,  %<----- Changed
    ytick distance=0.0025,  %<----- Added to change interval between ticks 
    ytick style={black},
    xtick align=inside,
    ytick align=inside,
    grid = none,
    y tick label style={
        /pgf/number format/.cd,
        fixed zerofill,
    \addplot [mark =square*,mark options = {fill=blue},line width=1pt,blue, mark size=2.5pt]
    table {%
        100 0.895150425339557
        200 0.900482595232357
        300 0.903679079675768
        400 0.905775901961456
        500 0.906989289317474
        600 0.907739560134421
        700 0.908159905497467
        800 0.908394225024818
        900 0.908519432232782
        1000 0.90861411822613
    \addplot [mark =triangle*,mark options = {fill=red},line width=1pt,red, mark size=2.5pt]
    table {%
        100 0.885569549243323
        200 0.887070668935957
        300 0.888060950115143
        400 0.888591579965093
        500 0.888834814899663
        600 0.888949909904719
        700 0.889000205838998
        800 0.889021628991577
        900 0.889029473681479
        1000 0.889031852416184
    \addplot [mark=*,mark options = {fill=black},line width=1pt,black, mark size=2.5pt]
    table {%
        100 0.877032429270956
        200 0.877298698387484
        300 0.877426754279817
        400 0.877456082749727
        500 0.877463664128281
        600 0.877464908640126
        700 0.877464997368712
        800 0.87746508858427
        900 0.877465105556874
        1000 0.877465107569633

