在 Latex 中,如何在已经处于 flushleft 环境中时进行左对齐

在 Latex 中,如何在已经处于 flushleft 环境中时进行左对齐

在 \centering 之后,我不断创建新的 \begin{flushleft},我认为这非常低效,有没有另一种方法可以左对齐,而不会创建这么多这样的环境在此处输入图片描述? 谢谢你!


    If $f(x) = x^{n}$, then  $f'(x) = nx^{n-1}$ and $f''(x) = n(n-1)x^{n-2}$.
    The addition formula for cosine is $\cos(\alpha+\beta)$ = $\cos\alpha$$\cos\beta$ - $\sin\alpha$$\sin\beta$.
    The addition formula for tangent is
    $\tan(\alpha+\beta)$ = 
            The bionomial theorem states that
            $(a+b)^n$ = $\sum_{i=0}^{n} {n \choose i}a^ib^{n-i}$
                for any real numbers a and b and for any integer n $\ge$ 0
                The modulus of a complex number z = a+bi is $\left|z\right|$ = $\sqrt{a^2+b^2}$ and the argument of z, $\varphi$ = arg z satisfies a =  $\left|z\right|$cos$\varphi$ and b = $\left|z\right|$sin$\varphi$, so $\tan{\varphi}$ = $\frac{b}{a}$.
                \hfill \break
                The general formula for the integral of a power of x is
                $\int x^ndx$ = $\frac{x^{n+1}}{n+1}$ + C,
                    \raggedleft so
                    $\int\limits_{0}^{2} x^3 dx$ = $\left[\frac{x^4}{4}\right]_0^2$ = 4
                        The determinant of a 2 $\times$ 2 matrix is given by the formula
                            a & b\\ c & d







  1. 不要拆分公式
  2. 数学就是数学,所以n$\ge$0应该$n\ge 0$
  3. \newline\\是错的
  4. 对于显示方程式使用\[...\]





If $f(x) = x^{n}$, then  $f'(x) = nx^{n-1}$ and $f''(x) = n(n-1)x^{n-2}$.

The addition formula for cosine is $\cos(\alpha+\beta) = \cos\alpha\cos\beta - \sin\alpha\sin\beta$.

The addition formula for tangent is
\tan(\alpha+\beta) = \frac{\tan\alpha+\tan\beta}{1-\tan\alpha\tan\beta}

The binomial theorem states that
(a+b)^n = \sum_{i=0}^{n} \binom{n}{i}a^ib^{n-i}
or any real numbers $a$ and $b$ and for any integer $n\ge 0$

The modulus of a complex number $z=a+bi$ is $\lvert z\rvert=\sqrt{a^2+b^2}$ and the argument 
of $z$, $\varphi=\arg z$ satisfies $a=\lvert z\rvert\cos\varphi$ and $b=\lvert z\rvert\sin\varphi$, 
so $\tan{\varphi}=\frac{b}{a}$.

The general formula for the integral of a power of $x$ is
\int x^n\,dx =\frac{x^{n+1}}{n+1} + C,
\int_{0}^{2} x^3 \,dx = \left[\frac{x^4}{4}\right]_0^2 = 4

The determinant of a $2\times 2$ matrix is given by the formula
    a & b\\ c & d


