Tikz 中的 3D 爆炸/繁荣形状

Tikz 中的 3D 爆炸/繁荣形状

我想制作一个示意图,展示两个粒子的相互作用。我目前有一个 2D 星形,但是,它与我的 3D 粒子看起来格格不入。Tikz 上有没有可以替代它的 3D 形状的建议?


\draw [black, thick ,-{Latex[length=4mm]},decorate, decoration={snake,amplitude=1mm,segment length=4mm,post length=4mm}, label=left:Incident photon] (-100pt,0pt) node[left]{$hv$} -- (0,0pt);
\draw [black, thick ,-{Latex[width=4mm, length=6]}] (3pt,0pt) -- (80pt,-40pt) node[right]{Photo-electon} coordinate (d);
\node[star, star points=10, draw=black, fill=red!50] at (0,0pt) {} coordinate (b);
\shade[ball color=green!70!white] (48pt, -23pt) circle (.2cm);
\draw [thick] (5pt,0pt) -- (150pt,0pt) coordinate (a);
\draw [black, thick ,-{Latex[length=4mm]},decorate, decoration={snake,amplitude=1mm,segment length=4mm,post length=4mm}, label=left:Incident photon] (5pt,0pt) -- (100pt,50pt) node[above]{$hv'$} coordinate (c);
\pic [black, draw, "$\theta$", angle eccentricity=0.8, angle radius=50pt] {angle = a--b--c};
\pic [black, draw, "$\phi$", angle eccentricity=0.8, angle radius=38pt] {angle = d--b--a};
\caption{\label{fig:photoelec}Schematic illustration of Compton Scattering.}

这将产生下面的图像: 在此处输入图片描述


这不是真正的 3D,但也许星爆更合你的心意?颜色渐变让它看起来有点像 3D。


\draw [black, thick ,-{Latex[length=4mm]},decorate, decoration={snake,amplitude=1mm,segment length=4mm,post length=4mm}, label=left:Incident photon] (-100pt,0pt) node[left]{$hv$} -- (0,0pt);
\draw [black, thick ,-{Latex[width=4mm, length=6]}] (3pt,0pt) -- (80pt,-40pt) node[right]{Photo-electon} coordinate (d);
\node[starburst,inner color=orange,outer color=yellow,starburst points=11] at (0,0pt) {} coordinate (b);
\shade[ball color=green!70!white] (48pt, -23pt) circle (.2cm);
\draw [thick] (5pt,0pt) -- (150pt,0pt) coordinate (a);
\draw [black, thick ,-{Latex[length=4mm]},decorate, decoration={snake,amplitude=1mm,segment length=4mm,post length=4mm}, label=left:Incident photon] (5pt,0pt) -- (100pt,50pt) node[above]{$hv'$} coordinate (c);
\pic [black, draw, "$\theta$", angle eccentricity=0.8, angle radius=50pt] {angle = a--b--c};
\pic [black, draw, "$\phi$", angle eccentricity=0.8, angle radius=38pt] {angle = d--b--a};
\caption{\label{fig:photoelec}Schematic illustration of Compton Scattering.}

