下面示例段落中是如何工作的吗?出于过度谨慎,我在段落中每次出现“性选择”一词时都为其编制了索引,包括第一行和最后一行。如果我只索引了第一的术语的出现,如果段落在编译时分布在两页上,LaTeX 会给出术语的位置(例如)“第 25 页”,还是给出“第 25-26 页”。换句话说,是否有必要索引术语的所有实例才能显示页面范围(而不是页面)?
There seems currently no incontrovertible evidence proving the validity of
the sexual selection\index{Sexual selection} hypothesis in relation to human
musicality, although the findings of xxxx, while hedged by more caveats than
the above summary indicates, are somewhat more positive than those of xxxx.
That is not to say that evidence is not there waiting to be discovered by an
appropriate methodology. Part of the problem in evidencing this potential
application of the theory appears to be the difficulty of designing
experiments which must, of necessity, be conducted using modern humans and
the music of our own time to test a theory which is hypothesised to have
played a role in the very different environment of our prehistory. Today,
both the dynamics of human mating (not least the availability of birth
control and assisted conception, together with online dating) and the nature
of present-day musical culture (often mixing vocal and instrumental sounds,
or using purely instrumental, and often consumed via recordings) make robust
tests of sexual selection\index{Sexual selection} theory difficult. At its
heart, sexual selection\index{Sexual selection} relies strongly on a
\textit{live performative} element -- incorporating not just music but also
dancing -- whereby males advertise their fitness to females using displays
of musical and choreographic virtuosity. Experiments, for understandable
reasons, cannot measure the large-scale dynamics of the reproductive choices
multiple females make in the presence of multiple displays of live male
vocalisation and dancing (xxx makes similar points about evidencing sexual
selection\index{Sexual selection} experimentally in the case of bird-song).
It is nevertheless telling that xxxx find a correlation in men between
musical achievement and reproductive success (point (i) of the list on
page~xx and italicised in following quotation). This relates to the
distinction made in their study between musical aptitude and musical
achievement: the first tests the kind of knowledge needed to pass the music
theory and aural-discriminations tests favoured by examination boards and
educational institutions; whereas the second reflects individuals' real-
world artistic and financial success as musical performers (xxx).
The latter is arguably a much better representation of the kind of
musicality implicated in sexual selection\index{Sexual selection} than the
former, and the fact that xxx are able to correlate it with reproductive
success is, if not definitive, then certainly telling.\footnote{In all
sexually reproducing species there is a tension between quantity and quality
of mating. Prolific (multi-partner) mating does not necessarily result in
greater genetic advantage (as measured by the number of viable offspring and
grand-offspring) compared with that arising from enhanced parental care and
investment. The sexual selection\index{Sexual selection} hypothesis is,
however, compatible with both the ``males compete\slash\hspace{0pt}females
choose'' and the ``bi-parental investment\slash\hspace{0pt}good dad''
scenarios, with musical achievement perhaps relating more directly to the
former and musical ability to the latter xxx.}
我认为,正确的做法是在\index{Sexual selection|(}
段落开头和\index{Sexual selection|)}
index 命令的和形式|)
(作为好的索引实践中,更具体一点可能会有帮助方面性选择问题正在得到解决,类似\index{sexual selection hypothesis!experimental support}