在外部化的 pgfplots 中包含 .dat 文件

在外部化的 pgfplots 中包含 .dat 文件


  • 使用外部化的 tikz,因为图表保存为 .dat,而且有很多,
  • 将外部文件存储在明确的目录中,
  • 能够轻松设置 tikz 图形大小,
  • 能够切换到\includegraphics生成的pdf(因为我把它放在我的实验室sharelatex中,它不支持shell-escape)。


  • 使用 tikz/pgfplots 外部化库,
  • 使用设置文件名\tikzsetnextfilename
  • 使用包设置图像宽度tikzscale
  • 制作我自己的\includetikz,如下所示(在序言内)。
% Tikz & co

% Tikz libraries

% Externalized tikz

% Command to include and controll the tikz figure size
% Use it as \includetikz[width=0.2\textwidth]{/path/to/file}{myfile}
% with /path/to/file/myfile.tikz being a file.
    % Get file extension
    % Check if tikz should be built or not.
        % Enable externalization.
        % Set next file name.
        % Include graphics
        \includegraphics[#1]{#2/\[email protected]}
        % Disable externalization.
      \includegraphics[#1]{#2/build/\[email protected]}



\includetikz[width=0.8\textwidth, height=0.4\textwidth]{\path}{eels_spectra.tex}


        \addplot [] table [x=eV, y=loc3] {\path/data/eels_spectra.dat};

最后,.dat 文件如下

eV loc1 loc2 loc3
463.57605489759953 1168.0 1127.0 1146.0
463.8996794786981 1292.0 1038.0 1285.0
464.22330405979665 1289.0 979.0 1155.0
464.5469286408952 1339.0 1088.0 1229.0

我注意到了如果将 .dat 中的文本放在命令中,则不会出现\addplot问题,但是使用\path/data/eels_spectra.dat,pdflatex 命令给我:

===== 'mode=convert with system call': Invoking 'pdflatex -shell-escape -halt-o
n-error -interaction=batchmode -jobname "img/chapitre2/build/eels_spectra" "\de
f\tikzexternalrealjob{main}\input{main}"' ========
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live 2019) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
 \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
system returned with code 256

! Package tikz Error: Sorry, the system call 'pdflatex -shell-escape -halt-on-e
rror -interaction=batchmode -jobname "img/chapitre2/build/eels_spectra" "\def\t
ikzexternalrealjob{main}\input{main}"' did NOT result in a usable output file '
img/chapitre2/build/eels_spectra' (expected one of .pdf:.jpg:.jpeg:.png:). Plea
se verify that you have enabled system calls. For pdflatex, this is 'pdflatex -
shell-escape'. Sometimes it is also named 'write 18' or something like that. Or
 maybe the command simply failed? Error messages can be found in 'img/chapitre2
/build/eels_spectra.log'. If you continue now, I'll try to typeset the picture.

See the tikz package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.47 \end{tikzpicture}



Package pdftex.def Info: img/chapitre2/eels_spectra_haadf.png  used on input li
ne 86.
(pdftex.def)             Requested size: 193.47581pt x 107.86781pt.
PGFPlots: reading {/home/etienne/ownCloud/Manuscrit/eels_spectra.dat}
) (./img/chapitre2/eels_spectra.tikz
PGFPlots: reading {/home/etienne/ownCloud/Manuscrit/eels_spectra.dat}
) (./img/chapitre2/eels_spectra.tikz
PGFPlots: reading {/home/etienne/ownCloud/Manuscrit/eels_spectra.dat}
) (./img/chapitre2/eels_spectra.tikz
\openout4 = `img/chapitre2/build/eels_spectra.dpth'.

PGFPlots: reading {/home/etienne/ownCloud/Manuscrit/eels_spectra.dat}
! Argument of \path has an extra }.
<inserted text> 
l.35 ...enne/ownCloud/Manuscrit/eels_spectra.dat};

Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
 54569 strings out of 492167
 1263128 string characters out of 6123477
 2177993 words of memory out of 5000000
 57937 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000
 590919 words of font info for 79 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000
 1141 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191
 89i,20n,125p,10125b,2476s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s

!  ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!

在这种情况下我该如何导入文件.dat?导入 .tikz 中的 .dat 太重了!!!


我忘了说,如果\tikzsetnextfilename{#2/build/\filename@base}在定义中删除了,.d​​at 文件就会被正确导入\includetikz。即定义作业名称会导致 .dat 导入崩溃!





  • 使用前缀指定应保存作业的目录,
  • 用于\tikzsetnextfilename指定作业名称。


\newcommand{\setpath}[1]{% Input like /path/to/file
    \graphicspath{{#1/}}% sets /path/to/file/
    \def\tikzpath{#1}% sets /path/to/file

因此,在每一章的开头,我都用来\setpath{/path/to/chapter/images}定义图像的当前路径(png 作为 tikz)。

命令 includetikz`变成:

    % Get file extension
    % Check if tikz should be built or not.
        % Enable externalization.
        % Set file prefix
        % Set next file name.
        % Include graphics
        \includegraphics[#1]{\tikzpath/\[email protected]}
        % Disable externalization.
        \includegraphics[#1]{\tikzpath/build/\[email protected]}

我现在在每一章里面都包含了 tikz 图像\includetikz[width=0.8\textwidth]{my_image.tikz}

使用前缀管理外部化解决了我的.dat 文件导入问题。
