我正在使用 threepart 表格环境来创建表格。我用它tablenotes
\item\leavevmode\kern-\scriptspace\kern-\labelsep \textit{Notes:} Table Notes. Standard errors clustered at the XXXXX level. */**/*** denotes significance at the 10/5/1 percent levels.
\item hgahgalhgalghlsghslhga hglahlllllll lllllllllll llllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllhalhgaghal halghalgha galghalhg
完整 MWE
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\DeclareRobustCommand{\prob}[1][P]{\ensuremath {\mathbb{#1}}}
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\newdateformat{monthyeardate}{\monthname[\THEMONTH] \THEYEAR}
\caption{Treatment Effects With New Strategy}
\begin{tabular}{@{\extracolsep{8pt}}lccccccccc@{}} \hline
\multicolumn{1}{l}{} &
\multicolumn{3}{c}{Avg Test Score} &
\multicolumn{3}{c}{Avg Passing Rate} &
\multicolumn{3}{c}{Avg Participation Rate} \\\\
VARIABLES & Male & Female & All & Male & Female & All & Male & Female& All \\
& (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) & (6) & (7) & (8) & (9) \\
& & & & & & & & &\\
Treatment & -26.21 & -22.18 & 34.08* & 35.83* & -59.34* & 17.13 & -26.21 & 9.84 & -8.46 \\
& [-2.02] & [-0.50] & [2.42] & [2.23] & [-2.46] & [1.22] & [-2.02] & [1.24] & [-0.78] \\
& (13.00) & (44.77) & (14.06) & (16.04) & (24.12) & (14.03) & (13.00) & (7.93) & (10.82) \\
Post & -26.50** & -25.47 & -11.53 & 40.49***& 52.71***& 52.68***& -26.50** & 2.28 & -16.49* \\
& [-3.52] & [-1.35] & [-1.34] & [4.36] & [5.18] & [6.15] & [-3.52] & [0.68] & [-2.49] \\
& (7.52) & (18.90) & (8.59) & (9.28) & (10.18) & (8.57) & (7.52) & (3.35) & (6.61) \\
DiD & 29.65* & 31.22 & 5.33 & 9.17 & 141.80** & 11.56 & 29.65* & -15.08 & 1.07 \\
& [2.13] & [0.39] & [0.32] & [0.53] & [3.25] & [0.70] & [2.13] & [-1.05] & [0.08] \\
& (13.89) & (80.90) & (16.45) & (17.14) & (43.58) & (16.42) & (13.89) & (14.34) & (12.67) \\
Constant & 42.02 & 271.27* & 222.43***& 65.29* & -23.66 & -38.16 & 42.02 & 23.55 & -46.42 \\
& [1.87] & [2.58] & [6.20] & [2.36] & [-0.42] & [-1.07] & [1.87] & [1.26] & [-1.68] \\
& (22.46) & (105.12) & (35.85) & (27.71) & (56.63) & (35.78) & (22.46) & (18.63) & (27.59) \\
Obs & 39.00 & 38.00 & 47.00 & 39.00 & 38.00 & 47.00 & 39.00 & 38.00 & 47.00 \\ \\ \hline
\item \textit{Notes:} Table Notes. Standard errors clustered at
the XXXXX level. */**/*** denotes significance at the 10/5/1 percent levels. The outcome variable is the share of observations that passed the intervention
\caption{Treatment Effects With New Strategy}
\multicolumn{1}{l}{} &
\multicolumn{3}{c}{Avg Test Score} &
\multicolumn{3}{c}{Avg Passing Rate} &
\multicolumn{3}{c}{Avg Participation Rate} \\
VARIABLES & Male & Female & All & Male & Female & All & Male & Female& All \\
& (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) & (6) & (7) & (8) & (9) \\
& & & & & & & & &\\
Treatment & -26.21 & -22.18 & 34.08* & 35.83* & -59.34* & 17.13 & -26.21 & 9.84 & -8.46 \\
& [-2.02] & [-0.50] & [2.42] & [2.23] & [-2.46] & [1.22] & [-2.02] & [1.24] & [-0.78] \\
& (13.00) & (44.77) & (14.06) & (16.04) & (24.12) & (14.03) & (13.00) & (7.93) & (10.82) \\
Post & -26.50** & -25.47 & -11.53 & 40.49***& 52.71***& 52.68***& -26.50** & 2.28 & -16.49* \\
& [-3.52] & [-1.35] & [-1.34] & [4.36] & [5.18] & [6.15] & [-3.52] & [0.68] & [-2.49] \\
& (7.52) & (18.90) & (8.59) & (9.28) & (10.18) & (8.57) & (7.52) & (3.35) & (6.61) \\
DiD & 29.65* & 31.22 & 5.33 & 9.17 & 141.80** & 11.56 & 29.65* & -15.08 & 1.07 \\
& [2.13] & [0.39] & [0.32] & [0.53] & [3.25] & [0.70] & [2.13] & [-1.05] & [0.08] \\
& (13.89) & (80.90) & (16.45) & (17.14) & (43.58) & (16.42) & (13.89) & (14.34) & (12.67) \\
Constant & 42.02 & 271.27* & 222.43***& 65.29* & -23.66 & -38.16 & 42.02 & 23.55 & -46.42 \\
& [1.87] & [2.58] & [6.20] & [2.36] & [-0.42] & [-1.07] & [1.87] & [1.26] & [-1.68] \\
& (22.46) & (105.12) & (35.85) & (27.71) & (56.63) & (35.78) & (22.46) & (18.63) & (27.59) \\
Obs & 39.00 & 38.00 & 47.00 & 39.00 & 38.00 & 47.00 & 39.00 & 38.00 & 47.00 \\ \bottomrule
\item \textit{Notes:} Table Notes. Standard errors clustered at
the XXXXX level. */**/*** denotes significance at the 10/5/1 percent levels. The outcome variable is the share of observations that passed the intervention
对 进行了一些改进siunitx
labelfont={bf,large}, skip =6pt}
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\caption{Treatment Effects With New Strategy}
\multicolumn{1}{l}{} &
\multicolumn{3}{c}{Avg Test Score} &
\multicolumn{3}{c}{Avg Passing Rate} &
\multicolumn{3}{c}{Avg Participation Rate} \\
VARIABLES & {\thead{Male\\(1)}} &{\thead{Female\\(2)}} & {\thead{All\\(3)}} & {\thead{Male\\(4)}} & {\thead{Female\\(5)}} & {\thead{All\\(6)}} & {\thead{Male\\(7)}} & {\thead{Female\\(8)}} &{\thead{All\\(9)}} \\
Treatment & -26.21 & -22.18 & 34.08* & 35.83* & -59.34* & 17.13 & -26.21 & 9.84 & -8.46 \\
& [-2.02] & [-0.50] & [2.42] & {[}2.23] & [-2.46] & [1.22] & [-2.02] & [1.24] & [-0.78] \\
& {(}13.00{)} & {(}44.77{)} & {(}14.06{)} & {(}16.04{)} & {(}24.12{)} & {(}14.03{)} & {(}13.00{)} & {(}7.93{)} & {(}10.82{)} \\
Post & -26.50** & -25.47 & -11.53 & 40.49***& 52.71***& 52.68***& -26.50** & 2.28 & -16.49* \\
& [-3.52] & [-1.35] & [-1.34] & [4.36] & [5.18] & [6.15] & [-3.52] & [0.68] & [-2.49] \\
& {(}7.52{)} & {(}18.90{)} & {(}8.59{)} & {(}9.28{)} & {(}10.18{)} & {(}8.57{)} & {(}7.52{)} & {(}3.35{)} & {(}6.61{)} \\
DiD & 29.65* & 31.22 & 5.33 & 9.17 & 141.80** & 11.56 & 29.65* & -15.08 & 1.07 \\
& [2.13] & [0.39] & [0.32] & [0.53] & [3.25] & [0.70] & [2.13] & [-1.05] & [0.08] \\
& {(}13.89{)} & {(}80.90{)} & {(}16.45{)} & {(}17.14{)} & {(}43.58{)} & {(}16.42{)} & {(}13.89{)} & {(}14.34{)} & {(}12.67{)} \\
Constant & 42.02 & 271.27* & 222.43***& 65.29* & -23.66 & -38.16 & 42.02 & 23.55 & -46.42 \\
& [1.87] & [2.58] & [6.20] & [2.36] & [-0.42] & [-1.07] & [1.87] & [1.26] & [-1.68] \\
& {(}22.46{)} & {(}105.12{)} & {(}35.85{)} & {(}27.71{)} & {(}56.63{)} & {(}35.78{)} & {(}22.46{)} & {(}18.63{)} & {(}27.59{)} \\
Obs & 39.00 & 38.00 & 47.00 & 39.00 & 38.00 & 47.00 & 39.00 & 38.00 & 47.00 \\ \bottomrule
\item \textit{Notes:} Table Notes. Standard errors clustered at
the XXXXX level. */**/*** denotes significance at the 10/5/1 percent levels. The outcome variable is the share of observations that passed the intervention
@Bernard 答案的小变化。设置已更改siunitx
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\caption{Treatment Effects With New Strategy}
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{Avg Test Score}
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{Avg Passing Rate}
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{Avg Participation Rate} \\
& {\thead{Male\\(1)}} & {\thead{Female\\(2)}} & {\thead{All\\(3)}}
& {\thead{Male\\(4)}} & {\thead{Female\\(5)}} & {\thead{All\\(6)}}
& {\thead{Male\\(7)}} & {\thead{Female\\(8)}} & {\thead{All\\(9)}} \\
& -26.21 & -22.18 & 34.08* & 35.83* & -59.34*
& 17.13 & -26.21 & 9.84 & -8.46 \\
& [-2.02] & [-0.50] & [2.42] & [2.23] & [-2.46]
& [1.22] & [-2.02] & [1.24] & [-0.78] \\
& (13.00) & (44.77) & (14.06) & (16.04)
& (24.12) & (14.03) & (13.00) & (7.93) & (10.82) \\
Post & -26.50** & -25.47 & -11.53 & 40.49***& 52.71***& 52.68***& -26.50** & 2.28 & -16.49* \\
& [-3.52] & [-1.35] & [-1.34] & [4.36] & [5.18] & [6.15] & [-3.52] & [0.68] & [-2.49] \\
& (7.52) & (18.90) & (8.59) & (9.28) & (10.18) & (8.57) & (7.52) & (3.35) & (6.61) \\
DiD & 29.65* & 31.22 & 5.33 & 9.17 & 141.80** & 11.56 & 29.65* & -15.08 & 1.07 \\
& [2.13] & [0.39] & [0.32] & [0.53] & [3.25] & [0.70] & [2.13] & [-1.05] & [0.08] \\
& (13.89) & (80.90) & (16.45) & (17.14) & (43.58) & (16.42) & (13.89) & (14.34) & (12.67) \\
Constant & 42.02 & 271.27* & 222.43***& 65.29* & -23.66 & -38.16 & 42.02 & 23.55 & -46.42 \\
& [1.87] & [2.58] & [6.20] & [2.36] & [-0.42] & [-1.07] & [1.87] & [1.26] & [-1.68] \\
& (22.46) & (105.12) & (35.85) & (27.71) & (56.63) & (35.78) & (22.46) & (18.63) & (27.59) \\
Obs & 39.00 & 38.00 & 47.00 & 39.00 & 38.00 & 47.00 & 39.00 & 38.00 & 47.00 \\ \bottomrule
\note Table Notes. Standard errors clustered at
the XXXXX level. */**/*** denotes significance at the 10/5/1 percent levels. The outcome variable is the share of observations that passed the intervention