


\item ....

blah blah too long for indented width but fits in full column width

blah blah blah

\item ...





我创建了几个示例只是为了好玩。你可能想要的是第 6 个。


\usepackage{fullwidth}% if your really need the fullwidth environment

    Inside the \verb|itemize| environment:
        \item example 1

        blah blah too long for indented width but fits in full column width

        \item example 2
            blah blah too long for indented width but fits in full column width

        \item example 3
            blah blah too long for indented width but fits in full column width

        \item example 4
        \begin{fullwidth}[skipabove=0pt, skipbelow=0pt]
            blah blah too long for indented width but fits in full column width

        \item example 5
blah blah too long for indented width but fits in full column width

        \item example 6 (THIS IS THE ONE)
blah blah too long for indented width but fits in full column width

        \item example 7
        blah blah too long for indented width but fits in full column width

    Outside the \verb|itemize| environment:
blah blah too long for indented width but fits in full column width

结果如下: 在此处输入图片描述
