6 级 Latex 博弈树

6 级 Latex 博弈树

我正在使用此代码,但想获得 4 个额外级别,可以吗?

% Specify spacing for each level of the tree
\tikzstyle{level 1}=[level distance=12mm,sibling distance=18mm]
\tikzstyle{level 2}=[level distance=15mm,sibling distance=15mm]
\tikzstyle{level 3}=[level distance=12mm,sibling distance=18mm]
\tikzstyle{level 4}=[level distance=15mm,sibling distance=15mm]
% The Tree
\node(0)[solid node,label=above:{$P1$}]{} 
child{node(1)[solid node, white]{}
child{[white] node(2)[solid node, yshift=-22]{}  %note that you need to adjust the yshift if you change the sibling distance
child{[black] node[hollow node,label=below:{$(a,b)$}]{} edge from parent node[left]{$C$}}
child{[black] node[hollow node,label=below:{$(c,d)$}]{} edge from parent node[right]{$D$}}
 edge from parent node[black, xshift=0,yshift=-42]{$\alpha$} %note that you need to adjust the yshift if you change the level distance
child{node(3)[solid node, white]{}
% information set
    \draw[solid,bend right](1)to(3);


我想创建一个像这样的游戏树 在此处输入图片描述







% period 1
\cntmAistb{0}[at end,left]{1}[at end,right]
\istrootcntmA(1){Player 1}
  \istbA[draw=none]{s_1}[very near end]
% period 2
\cntmAistb{0}[at end,left]{1}[at end,right]
\istrootcntmA(2)(1a-2)<0>{Player 2}
  \istbA[draw=none]{s_2}[very near end]
  \istb{Accept}[al]{(\delta s_2,\delta(1-s_2))}
% period 3
\cntmAistb{0}[at end,left]{1}[at end,right]
\istrootcntmA(3)(2a-2)<0>{Player 1}
  \istbA[draw=none]{s_3}[very near end]
% period 4
\cntmAistb{0}[at end,left]{1}[at end,right]
\istrootcntmA(4)(3a-2)<0>{Player 2}
  \istbA[draw=none]{s_4}[very near end]


