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\caption{T-tests: of difference in characteristics I}
&\multicolumn{2}{c}{Assigned} &\multicolumn{2}{c}{Actual} \\
Gender (1=Male) & -0.00468 & (-0.14)& -0.0398 & (-0.95)\\
African (1=yes) & -0.00313 & (-0.21)& 0.0135 & (0.93)\\
Coloured (1=yes) & 0.00501 & (0.41)& -0.00682 & (-0.50)\\
Indian (1=yes) & -0.00348 & (-0.48)& -0.00664 & (-1.32)\\
White (1=yes) & 0.00161 & (0.33)& 0 & (.)\\
English & -0.00576 & (-0.38)& -0.0167 & (-1.12)\\
Afrikaans & 0.00000480 & (0.00)& -0.0145 & (-1.13)\\
IsiZulu & -0.0122 & (-0.41)& -0.0182 & (-0.48)\\
IsiXhosa & 0.0345 & (1.32)& 0.0534 & (1.62)\\
Sesotho & 0.0118 & (0.60)& 0.00629 & (0.26)\\
Tshivenda & -0.00230 & (-0.24)& 0.00431 & (0.30)\\
IsiTsonga & -0.0180 & (-1.30)& -0.0145 & (-0.81)\\
SiSwati & 0.00578 & (0.52)& -0.00126 & (-0.08)\\
Setswana & -0.0263 & (-1.30)& -0.00925 & (-0.35)\\
Sepedi & 0.00326 & (0.14)& 0.0182 & (0.61)\\
IsiNdebele & 0.00739 & (0.98)& -0.0117 & (-1.04)\\
Other & 0.00185 & (0.49)& 0.00386 & (1.08)\\
Married (1=yes) & -0.00184 & (-0.21)& 0.00494 & (0.62)\\
Living with a Partner (1=yes)& 0.000927 & (0.13)& 0.00269 & (0.24)\\
Widow/Widower (1=yes)& 0.00208 & (0.95)& 0 & (.)\\
Divorced or Seperated (1=yes)& -0.000230 & (-0.07)& 0.000539 & (0.11)\\
Never Married (1=yes)& -0.000931 & (-0.08)& -0.00817 & (-0.56)\\
Completed matric (1=yes)& -0.0167 & (-0.53)& 0.0385 & (0.95)\\
Completed some type of tertiary training after matric (1=yes)& -0.0136 & (-0.45)& -0.0534 & (-1.36)\\
Observations & 1012 & & 610 & \\ \bottomrule
\begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \vspace{0.05in}
\item[] \sym{*} $p<0.01$, \sym{**} $p<0.05$, \sym{***} $p<0.10$. \vspace{-0.05in}
\item[] Std. errors reported in parenthesis, robust to individual clustering. \vspace{-0.05in}
\item[] Difference is control mean minus treatment mean \vspace{-0.05 in}
Table \ref{ttestsbal1} (see the end of this section) gives the statistical differences .....
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etc 而不是\include{chapter1}