authoryear-icomp 使用不当,或者有 bug?

authoryear-icomp 使用不当,或者有 bug?

biblatex 样式的 authoryear-icomp 工作得很好,除了我发现的一种情况:当我要求\citeyearpar两个具有相同作者和相同年份的条目时。在以下示例中:

   AUTHOR = {Nomura, Masaaki},
   TITLE = {{The Significance of the Morphographic Principle for the Classification of Writing Systems}},
   JOURNAL = {Written Language and Literacy},
   YEAR = {1988},
   VOLUME = {14},
   PAGES = {58--81},

   AUTHOR = {Nomura, Masaaki},
   TITLE = {{The Japanese Mental Lexicon: The Lexical Retrieval and Representation of Two-Kanji Compound Words from a Morphological Perspective}},
   SCHOOL = {University of Tsukuba},
   YEAR = {1988},
According to \citet{bib16} and to \citet{bib17}, we have...

According to \citet{bib16,bib17}, we have...

Based on Nomura's \citeyearpar{bib16,bib17} discussion, we have...


前两种情况没问题,但在第三种情况下,字母“a”和“b”消失了,我得到了一个带有两个相同“1988”的括号,这毫无意义。这是一个错误还是我误用了 authoryar-icomp?


biblatex \cityear仅打印\cietyearpar年份或出版物,而不是包含年份和年份消歧字母(如果需要)的完整标签。


Based on Nomura's \parencite*{bib16,bib17} discussion, we have...

请注意,您不能在此处使用natbib-compatible 缩写形式\citep*,因为出于natbib兼容性考虑,带星号的版本会打印所有名称。因此,您必须使用biblatexname \parencite*


\usepackage[style=authoryear-icomp, backend=biber, natbib=true]{biblatex}

  AUTHOR  = {Nomura, Masaaki},
  TITLE   = {The Significance of the Morphographic Principle
             for the Classification of Writing Systems},
  JOURNAL = {Written Language and Literacy},
  YEAR    = {1988},
  VOLUME  = {14},
  PAGES   = {58--81},
  AUTHOR = {Nomura, Masaaki},
  TITLE  = {The {Japanese} Mental Lexicon:
            The Lexical Retrieval and Representation of
            Two-Kanji Compound Words from a Morphological Perspective},
  SCHOOL = {University of Tsukuba},
  YEAR   = {1988},

According to \citet{bib16} and to \citet{bib17}, we have...

According to \citet{bib16,bib17}, we have...

Based on Nomura's \parencite*{bib16,bib17} discussion, we have...

