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    {\setstretch{1.66} {Noise Suppression in Ultrasound Beamforming\\ Using Convolutional Neural Networks}\par }%
    \vskip .3in
    {Zhanwen Chen}
    \vskip .3in

        Submitted to the Faculty of the \\
        Graduate School of Vanderbilt University \\
        in partial fulfillment of the requirements \\
        for the degree of \\ [.1in]

    \MakeUppercase{MASTER OF SCIENCE} \\[.1in]
    in \\[.1in]
    {Computer Science} \\[.25in]
    December 14, 2019 \\[.25in]
    Nashville, Tennessee
    \vskip .5in
%%%Uncomment for Signatures%%%
% Approved: \hskip 2.9in Date:\\[1.2em]
% \rule{3.5in}{.5pt} \hskip 0.1in \rule{2in}{.5pt} \\[.01in]
% [Committee Chair]\\[.14in]
% \rule{3.5in}{.5pt} \hskip 0.1in \rule{2in}{.5pt}  \\[.01in]
% [Committee Chair]\\[.14in]
% \rule{3.5in}{.5pt} \hskip 0.1in \rule{2in}{.5pt} \\[.01in]
% [Committee Chair]\\[.14in]
% \rule{3.5in}{.5pt} \hskip 0.1in \rule{2in}{.5pt} \\[.01in]
% [Committee Chair]\\[.14in]
%%%%%%Uncomment  for Approved Names%%%%%%
Matthew Berger, Ph.D. \\
Maithilee Kunda, Ph.D.

\pagenumbering{roman} \setcounter{page}{2}

\chapter*{To my parents, Cheng Yuehong and Chen Feng. Thank you for years of unconditional support and encouragement.}

I want to thank my PI, Dr. Brett Byram for giving me my first research opportunity through which I have grown as a researcher for the last year and a half. I want to acknowledge our post-doc, Dr. Adam Luchies whose thorough explanations of the data and methods made everything possible. I also want to thank my colleagues in the BEAM lab, Chris Khan, Katie Ozgun, Dr. Jaime Tierney, Dr. Kazuyuki Dei, Siegfried Schlunk, Emelina Vienneau, and Abbie Weeks for tirelessly explaining the basics of ultrasound and a variety of related work.

I want to thank my thesis advisor, Dr. Matthew Berger for teasing apart problems, giving insight, and posing critical questions that inspire scientific thinking in a computer scientist. In addition, it would be difficult to conduct the various important experiments without the serious computing power he has generously shared.

I also want to thank my Computer Science PI, Dr. Maithilee Kunda, for advising me since the very beginning of my masters career. She has drilled in me important lessons on how to be a researcher.




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