ConTeXt 命令列表

ConTeXt 命令列表

我如何才能获得“机器可读”版本的ConTeXt 命令列表

理想情况下,我希望获得一个合理格式的 Lua 表,列出所有命令及其主要属性(例如参数名称及其分隔符、允许的键和值,以及(如果可能)一些文档)。例如:

  alpha = {
    symbol = "α",
    arguments = {}
  at = {
    arguments = {
      [1] = {meta = "text", optional = true},
      [2] = {meta = "text", optional = true},
      [3] = {meta = "reference", delimiters = {"[", "]"}}
    summary = "Some short explanation, if available",
    documentation = "Link to the ConTeXt reference manual or wiki"
  commandwithkeyvaluearguments = {
    arguments = {
      [1] = {
        meta = "options",
        delimiters = {"[", "]"},
        keys = {--[[table describing the possible keys and values]]},
    summary = "Some short explanation, if available",
    documentation = "Link to the ConTeXt reference manual or wiki"


如果可以直接从本地 ConTeXt 安装计算此表texlua,那就更好了。否则,包含数据的文件就可以完成这项工作。
