- SI 部分应该有一个较小的最大宽度(比如 7 个正常字符),并且延伸到左边(如果数据引脚足够小)并下载所需的数据。
如果这意味着 SI 列应左不齐/右齐,则以下没有任何表格环境的方法可能会引起人们的兴趣:
\usepackage{amsmath, textcomp, microtype}
%-----<begin of code for \PhysicsProblem>---------------------------------
% The code for \PhysicsProblem does not require additional packages.
% The packages above are loaded only for prettifying this example.
\newcommand\PhysicsProblemWidthOfSecondColumn{5.9em}% 7 characters m
% (La)TeX's default line-thickness is 0.4pt
% Width of \PhysicsProblem =
% 0.4pt + \PhysicsProblemColSep + \PhysicsProblemWidthOfFirstColumn + \PhysicsProblemColSep + 0.4pt
% + \PhysicsProblemColSep + \PhysicsProblemWidthOfSecondColumn + \PhysicsProblemColSep + 0.4pt
% + \PhysicsProblemColSep + \PhysicsProblemWidthOfThirdColumn + \PhysicsProblemColSep + 0.4pt
% If you wish you can specify values so that
% Width of \PhysicsProblem = \textwidth
% or
% Width of \PhysicsProblem = \textwidth - \parindent
\hrule %------Line at the top
\vrule %-------Line at the left
% When using package ragged2e:
% \hyphenpenalty=50 %
% \exhyphenpenalty=50 %
% \finalhyphendemerits=0 %
\kern\PhysicsProblemColSep %------Horizontal distance between text and line at the right
\vrule %------Line at the right
\hrule %------Line at the bottom
%-----<end of code for \PhysicsProblem>-----------------------------------
\noindent\par\hrule height 1.6pt\relax
\PhysicsProblem{\textsf{\textsl{\textlangle Giveng\textrangle}}}%
{\textsf{\textsl{\textlangle Find\textrangle}}}%
{\textsf{\textsl{\textlangle SI\textrangle}}}%
{\textsf{\textsl{\textlangle Solution\textrangle}}}%
\PhysicsProblem{\textsf{\textsl{\textlangle Given\textrangle}}}%
{\textsf{\textsl{\textlangle Find\textrangle}}}%
{\textsf{\textsl{\textlangle SI\textrangle}}}%
{\textsf{\textsl{\textlangle Solution\textrangle}}}%
\noindent\par\hrule height 1.6pt\relax
\noindent Text
{$x + y - \text{?}$}%
{$\longleftarrow$ Some text for SI that stretches
to the left.
\hbox to\hsize{\null\hfill1\hfill\hfill2\hfill
{$x + y = 2 + 3 = 5$} Text
\noindent Text
{$x + y - \text{?}$}%
{$\longleftarrow$ Some text for SI that stretches
to the left.
\hbox to\hsize{\null\hfill1\hfill\hfill2\hfill
{$x + y = 2 + 3 = 5$} Text
\noindent\par\hrule height 1.6pt\relax
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
{$x + y - \text{?}$}%
{$x + y = 2 + 3 = 5$}
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
{$x + y - \text{?}$}%
{$x + y = 2 + 3 = 5$}
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text
\noindent\par\hrule height 1.6pt\relax
% Packages for prettifying this example:
\usepackage{amsmath, textcomp, microtype}
%---<begin of code for \PhysicsProblem/\PhysicsProblemFramde/etc>----------------------
% Packages needed by \PhysicsProblem/\PhysicsProblemFramde>/etc: eTeX-extensions and:
\usepackage{array, tabularx, varwidth, ragged2e}
\newcommand\PhysicsProblemXMaximumWidthOfSecondColumn{35pt}% 7 characters m
% Column-type for the SI-column:
%\hyphenpenalty=50 %
%\exhyphenpenalty=50 %
%\finalhyphendemerits=0 %
%---<end of code for \PhysicsProblem/\PhysicsProblemFramed/etc>------------------------
With these examples \verb|\PhysicsProblemMaximumWidthOfSecondColumn| and
\verb|\PhysicsProblemXMaximumWidthOfSecondColumn| are defined to 35pt.
That corresponds to the length of the following rule:\hfill
\hbox to 40pt{\hfill\rule{35pt}{.4pt}\hfill}
For comparison seven digits: \hfill \hbox to 40pt{\hfill\hbox{1234567}\hfill}
Each line of text within the second column will be flushed to the right.
The text of the second column will be placed into a box and hereby will be
wrapped to fit into lines of a width of 35pt. Then the width of that
box will be reduced as much as possible without changing the line-breaks.
Problem: \PhysicsProblem{$x=2$\newline$y=3$}%
{$x + y - \text{?}$}%
{Some text for SI that stretches to the left.}%
{$x + y = 2 + 3 = 5$}
Problem: \PhysicsProblemFramed{$x=2$\newline$y=3$}%
{$x + y - \text{?}$}%
{Some text for SI that stretches to the left.}%
{$x + y = 2 + 3 = 5$}
Problem: \PhysicsProblemX{$x=2$\newline$y=3$}%
{$x + y - \text{?}$}%
{Some text for SI that stretches to the left.}%
{$x + y = 2 + 3 = 5$}
Problem: \PhysicsProblemXFramed{$x=2$\newline$y=3$}%
{$x + y - \text{?}$}%
{Some text for SI that stretches to the left.}%
{$x + y = 2 + 3 = 5$}