

我创建了一个自定义标题,除了标题和正文之间有一些不必要的垂直间距外,它非常完美。目前间距约为 14 毫米,我想将其减小到 7 毫米左右。我尝试过的所有方法都无法减小间距:我尝试过vspace{-7mm}各种方法,也尝试过调整小页面的高度,但都无济于事。我的代码如下,并附有输出图片。

\usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=2cm, left=2cm, right=2cm,headheight=50pt,headsep=0pt]{geometry}
\usepackage{lastpage, enumerate, fancyhdr}


            Calculus II --- Quiz 8 \\ November 24, 2019
              \vspace{5mm} Full Name: \underline{\hspace{4cm}} 
        \textit{ Answer all of the following problems. You must \textbf{show all of your work} to receive full credit. This quiz is worth 10 points. } 
        \author{} %leave empty
        \date{} %leave empty
        \title{} %leave empty



1) I would like the vertical space between this line and \enquote{This quiz is worth 10 points} to be about half the amount it currently is.






\usepackage[top=4.25cm, bottom=2cm, left=2cm, right=2cm,headheight=65pt,headsep=15pt]{geometry}
\usepackage{lastpage, enumerate, fancyhdr}
\usepackage{tabularx,calc,booktabs} %<----- added

       Calculus II --- Quiz 8 \\ 
       November 24, 2019  &  Full Name: \underline{\hspace{4cm}}\\
       \multicolumn{2}{@{}p{\textwidth}@{}}{\textit{Answer all of the following problems. You must \textbf{show all of your work} to receive full credit. This quiz is worth 10 points.}}



1) I would like the vertical space between this line and \enquote{This quiz is worth 10 points} to be about half the amount it currently is.




\usepackage[margin=2cm, headheight=50pt, headsep=0pt]{geometry}
\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb, amscd, mathrsfs}
\usepackage{lastpage, enumerate, fancyhdr}

            Calculus II --- Quiz 8 \\ November 24, 2019
              \vspace{5mm} Full Name: \underline{\hspace{4cm}}
        \textit{ Answer all of the following problems. You must \textbf{show all of your work} to receive full credit. This quiz is worth 10 points. }
 \author{} %leave empty
 \date{} %leave empty
 \title{} %leave empty



1) I would like the vertical space between this line and \enquote{This quiz is worth 10 points} to be about half the amount it currently is.


