我找到了@Symbol 1 的代码
幸运的是,这个问题与绘制富勒烯。也就是说,大自然似乎是从足球中获得了对分子选择的灵感。;-) 所以答案是肯定的。
从以下位置下载这个存储库,并将该文件放在 LaTeX 可以找到的地方,例如包含以下代码的文件所在的目录。
% slightly improved (?) version of dim from pgfmathfunctions.misc.code.tex
% at least in this application dim does not give the right results
\advance\pgfmath@count by 1\relax
%membership test
\begin{tikzpicture}[tdplot_main_coords,line cap=round,line join=round]
\path foreach \Coord [count=\X] in {(-0.16246,-2.11803,1.27598),
{\Coord coordinate (p\X) \pgfextra{\xdef\NumVertices{\X}}};
%\message{number of vertices is \NumVertices^^J}
% normal of screen
\path[overlay] ({sin(\tdplotmaintheta)*sin(\tdplotmainphi)},
{cos(\tdplotmaintheta)}) coordinate (n)
(1,1,1) coordinate (L);
\foreach \poly in
{{53, 11, 24, 23, 9}, {51, 39, 40, 52, 30}, {60, 28, 16, 12, 2}, {20,
42, 48, 55, 18}, {19, 17, 54, 47, 41}, {1, 10, 15, 27, 59}, {36, 26,
44, 50, 38}, {4, 58, 22, 32, 8}, {34, 29, 33, 45, 46}, {21, 57, 3,
6, 31}, {37, 49, 43, 25, 35}, {13, 5, 56, 7, 14}, {9, 59, 27, 51,
30, 53}, {53, 30, 52, 28, 60, 11}, {11, 60, 2, 42, 20, 24}, {24, 20,
18, 17, 19, 23}, {23, 19, 41, 1, 59, 9}, {13, 25, 43, 3, 57,
5}, {5, 57, 21, 33, 29, 56}, {56, 29, 34, 22, 58, 7}, {7, 58, 4, 44,
26, 14}, {14, 26, 36, 35, 25, 13}, {40, 38, 50, 16, 28, 52}, {16,
50, 44, 4, 8, 12}, {12, 8, 32, 48, 42, 2}, {48, 32, 22, 34, 46,
55}, {55, 46, 45, 54, 17, 18}, {54, 45, 33, 21, 31, 47}, {47, 31, 6,
10, 1, 41}, {10, 6, 3, 43, 49, 15}, {15, 49, 37, 39, 51, 27}, {39,
37, 35, 36, 38, 40}}
\path[overlay,3d coordinate={(dA)=(p\itwo)-(p\ione)},
3d coordinate={(dB)=(p\itwo)-(p\ithree)},
3d coordinate={(nA)=(dA)x(dB)}];
% make sure that the normal points outwards
\path[overlay,3d coordinate={(nA)=(dB)x(dA)}];
% compute projection the normal of the polygon on the normal of screen
\draw[ultra thin] \ifnum\mydim=6 [fill=red!\cf!black]
\else [fill=black]
plot[samples at=\poly,variable=\x](p\x) -- cycle;
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\draw[gray!20,ultra thin] \ifnum\mydim=6 [fill=red!\cf!black]
\else [fill=black]
plot[samples at=\poly,variable=\x](p\x) -- cycle;
% slightly improved (?) version of dim from pgfmathfunctions.misc.code.tex
% at least in this application dim does not give the right results
\advance\pgfmath@count by 1\relax
%membership test
\foreach \Angle in {0,5,...,355}
\begin{tikzpicture}[tdplot_main_coords,line cap=round,line join=round]
\path foreach \Coord [count=\X] in {(-0.16246,-2.11803,1.27598),
{\Coord coordinate (p\X) \pgfextra{\xdef\NumVertices{\X}}};
%\message{number of vertices is \NumVertices^^J}
% normal of screen and "light source"
\path[overlay] ({sin(\tdplotmaintheta)*sin(\tdplotmainphi)},
{cos(\tdplotmaintheta)}) coordinate (n)
{cos(\tdplotmaintheta+20)}) coordinate (L);;
\foreach \poly in
{{53, 11, 24, 23, 9}, {51, 39, 40, 52, 30}, {60, 28, 16, 12, 2}, {20,
42, 48, 55, 18}, {19, 17, 54, 47, 41}, {1, 10, 15, 27, 59}, {36, 26,
44, 50, 38}, {4, 58, 22, 32, 8}, {34, 29, 33, 45, 46}, {21, 57, 3,
6, 31}, {37, 49, 43, 25, 35}, {13, 5, 56, 7, 14}, {9, 59, 27, 51,
30, 53}, {53, 30, 52, 28, 60, 11}, {11, 60, 2, 42, 20, 24}, {24, 20,
18, 17, 19, 23}, {23, 19, 41, 1, 59, 9}, {13, 25, 43, 3, 57,
5}, {5, 57, 21, 33, 29, 56}, {56, 29, 34, 22, 58, 7}, {7, 58, 4, 44,
26, 14}, {14, 26, 36, 35, 25, 13}, {40, 38, 50, 16, 28, 52}, {16,
50, 44, 4, 8, 12}, {12, 8, 32, 48, 42, 2}, {48, 32, 22, 34, 46,
55}, {55, 46, 45, 54, 17, 18}, {54, 45, 33, 21, 31, 47}, {47, 31, 6,
10, 1, 41}, {10, 6, 3, 43, 49, 15}, {15, 49, 37, 39, 51, 27}, {39,
37, 35, 36, 38, 40}}
\path[overlay,3d coordinate={(dA)=(p\itwo)-(p\ione)},
3d coordinate={(dB)=(p\itwo)-(p\ithree)},
3d coordinate={(nA)=(dA)x(dB)}];
% make sure that the normal points outwards
\path[overlay,3d coordinate={(nA)=(dB)x(dA)}];
% compute projection the normal of the polygon on the normal of screen
\draw[ultra thin] \ifnum\mydim=6 [fill=red!\cf!black]
\else [fill=black]
plot[samples at=\poly,variable=\x](p\x) -- cycle;
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\draw[gray!20,ultra thin] \ifnum\mydim=6 [fill=red!\cf!black]
\else [fill=black]
plot[samples at=\poly,variable=\x](p\x) -- cycle;
请注意,这会改变 phi 和 theta,以表明它适用于所有视角。由于我们实际上并没有旋转物体,而只是改变视角,因此我们需要移动光源,(L)