

我学会了如何创建具有唯一 ID 的需求在这篇文章中。现在我想为每个需求添加一个测试方法——在代码中我正在考虑这样的事情:

\Requirement{SOMEID}{This is the requirement text.}{This describes the testmethod.}






这里\Requirement将 ID 存储在一个序列中以便对其进行索引,然后将两个文本存储在属性列表中。存储需求文本在这里实际上并没有用到,但您可以决定以不同的方式使用它,因此最好也将其存储起来。




  \subsubsection*{Requirement ~ ID ~ #1}
  \jfb_requirement_store:nnn { #1 } { #2 } { #3 }
  \seq_map_inline:Nn \g_jfb_requirement_ids_seq
    \subsubsection*{##1} \prop_item:Nn \g_jfb_requirement_ids_prop { ##1@B } \par

\seq_new:N \g_jfb_requirement_ids_seq
\prop_new:N \g_jfb_requirement_ids_prop

\cs_new_protected:Nn \jfb_requirement_store:nnn
  \seq_gput_right:Nn \g_jfb_requirement_ids_seq { #1 }
  \prop_gput:Nnx \g_jfb_requirement_ids_prop { #1@A } { \tl_trim_spaces:n { #2 } }
  \prop_gput:Nnx \g_jfb_requirement_ids_prop { #1@B } { \tl_trim_spaces:n { #3 } }






\Requirement{SOMEID}{This is the requirement text.}{This describes the test method.}

  This is the other requirement text.
  This describes the other test method.

\section{Test Methods}





您可以为此使用 LaTeX 的\@starttoc- -机制。\addtocontents



您可能需要多次编译示例,而无需在 LaTeX 运行之间删除辅助文件以确保所有内容正确匹配。




  \IfFileExists{\jobname.lfr}{}{\par\noindent No requirements available.}%
  \IfFileExists{\jobname.ltm}{}{\item[\textnormal{No test-methods available.}]\relax}%
\catcode`\/=14 %
\catcode`\%=12 /
      \gdef\@multipleRequirements{\@latex@warning@no@line{There were multiply-defined requirements}}/
      \@latex@warning{Requirement `#1' multiply defined}/
  // Let's have \addtocontents / \protected@write write immediately:
  // Prevent all of \protected@write's expansion (\edef-with \protect-mechanism-expansion and \write-expansion)
  // by nesting things either into two token-registers or into two \unexpanded.
  %#1 =  {ID}{<requirement-text>}
  %#1 = {ID}{<requirement-text>}
  %#1 = ID; #2 = <requirement-text>;
  \label{RequirementNamespace@Requirement #1}%
    \advance \@tempcnta by -1 %
    \xdef\Hy@currentbookmarklevel{\the \@tempcnta}%
    \@ifundefined{r@RequirementNamespace@TestMethod #1}{}{%
      \hyperref[{RequirementNamespace@TestMethod #1}]%
  %#1 = ID; #2 = <requirement-text>;
        \@ifundefined{Hy@raisedlink}{ }{%
            \expandafter\RequirementPassFirstToSecond\expandafter{\@currentHref}{ %<- This space must be!
    \label{RequirementNamespace@TestMethod #1}%
      \advance\@tempcnta by -1 %
      \xdef\Hy@currentbookmarklevel{\the \@tempcnta}%
      \@ifundefined{r@RequirementNamespace@Requirement #1}{}{%
        \hyperref[{RequirementNamespace@Requirement #1}]%


\section{This is just some section}

This is text in the section.

\noindent Reference to the requirement with ID ``SOMEOTHERID'': \ref{AA}.

\noindent Reference to the testing-method with ID ``SOMEOTHERID'': \ref{BB}.

\Requirement{SOMEID}{This is the requirement text.}{This describes the testmethod.}
\Requirement{SOMEOTHERID}{This \label{AA} is some different requirement text.}{This \label{BB} describes some different testmethod.}






我无法让它工作解析v+-argument-type,原因如下:解析v+-argument-type 使用^^M-character = ⟨return⟩ 字符来表示行尾。(^^M=^^表示 TeX 引擎内部字符编码方案中代码点为 13 的字符 -M 是字母表中的第 13 个字母;TeX 引擎内部字符编码方案的代码点 13 反过来表示 ⟨return⟩ 字符。)因此,在将 -argument 写入v+文件时,整数参数\newlinechar也必须表示该字符。因此,您最好不要使用将-argument\protected@write写入v+文件,而是使用立即执行的操作\write,而更改\newlinechar仍然有效。在我第一次尝试使用解析v+-argument-type 我忽略了必须\write立即发生。

这是我自己的东西,但在那后面我添加了另一个例子,使用解析及其v+用于获取逐字参数的 -argument-type:





%%======================Code for \UDcollectverbarg=============================
%% \UDcollectverbarg{^^M-replacement}{<mandatory 1>}{<mandatory 2>}|<verbatim arg>|
%% reads <verbatim arg> under verbatim-catcode-regime and delivers:
%%    <mandatory 1>{<mandatory 2>{<verbatim arg>}{|<verbatim arg>|}}
%% Instead of verbatim-delimiter | the <verbatim arg> can be nested in braces.
%% You cannot use percent or spaces or horizontal tab as verbatim-delimiter.
%% You can use <mandatory 1> for nesting calls to \UDcollectverbarg.
%% <mandatory 2> gets the <verbatim arg> twice: Once without verbatim-delimiters/braces,
%% once surrounded by verbatim-delimiters/braces.
%% Reason: When you feed it to \scantokens you don't need the verbatim-delimiters.
%%         When you use it for writing to temporary files and reading back,
%%         you need them.
%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is empty>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is not empty>}%
%% Due to \romannumeral0-expansion the result is delivered after two
%% expansion-steps/after two "hits" by \expandafter.
%% The gist of this macro comes from Robert R. Schneck's \ifempty-macro:
%% <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/comp.text.tex/kuOEIQIrElc/lUg37FmhA74J>
  \@secondoftwo\string}\@firstoftwo\expandafter{} \@secondoftwo}%
  {\@firstoftwo\expandafter{} \@firstoftwo}%
      { #5{#4#2}}{\@UDEndlreplace{#1}#3\relax{#4#2#1}{#5}}%
  \let\do\@makeother % <- this and the next line switch to
  \dospecials        %    verbatim-category-code-régime.
  \catcode`\{=1      % <- give opening curly brace the usual catcode so a 
                     %    curly-brace-balanced argument can be gathered in
                     %    case of the first thing of the verbatimized-argument 
                     %    being a curly opening brace.
  \catcode`\ =10     % <- give space and horizontal tab the usual catcode so \UD@collectverbarg
  \catcode`\^^I=10   %    cannot catch a space or a horizontal tab as its 4th undelimited argument.
                     %    (Its 4th undelimited argument denotes the verbatim-
                     %     syntax-delimiter in case of not gathering a
                     %     curly-brace-nested argument.)
  \catcode`\%=14     % <- make percent comment.
  {% seems a curly-brace-nested argument is to be caught:
    \catcode`\}=2    % <- give closing curly brace the usual catcode also.
  }{% seems an argument with verbatim-syntax-delimiter is to be caught:
    \do\{% <- give opening curly brace the verbatim-catcode again.
  \do\ %   <- Now that \UD@collectverbarg has the delimiter or
  \do\^^I%    emptiness in its 4th arg, give space and horizontal tab
         %    the verbatim-catcode again.
  \do\^^M% <- Give the carriage-return-character the verbatim-catcode.
  \do\%%   <- Give the percent-character the verbatim-catcode.
    \@onelevel@sanitize\@tempb % <- Turn characters into their "12/other"-pendants.
                               %    This may be important with things like the 
                               %    inputenc-package which may make characters 
                               %    active/which give them catcode 13(active).
    \expandafter\UDEndlreplace\expandafter{\@tempb}{#1}{\def\@tempb}% <- this starts 
                               %    the loop for replacing endline-characters.
    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\UD@@collectverbarg% <- this "spits out the result.
%%================= End of code for \UDcollectverbarg =========================

  \IfFileExists{\jobname.lfr}{}{\par\noindent No requirements available.}%
  \IfFileExists{\jobname.ltm}{}{\item[\textnormal{No test-methods available.}]\relax}%
      \gdef\@multipleRequirements{\@latex@warning@no@line{There were multiply-defined requirements}}%
      \@latex@warning{Requirement `#1' multiply defined}%
    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\expandafter\string\csname l@#2\endcsname}%
\catcode`\/=14 %
  %#1 =  {ID}{<requirement-text>}
  %#1 = {ID}{<requirement-text>}
  %#1 = ID; #2 = <requirement-text>;
  \label{RequirementNamespace@Requirement #1}%
    \advance\@tempcnta by -1 %
    \@ifundefined{r@RequirementNamespace@TestMethod #1}{}{%
      \hyperref[{RequirementNamespace@TestMethod #1}]%
  %#1 = ID; #2 = <requirement-text>;
        \@ifundefined{Hy@raisedlink}{ }{%
            \expandafter\RequirementPassFirstToSecond\expandafter{\@currentHref}{ %<- This space must be!
    \label{RequirementNamespace@TestMethod #1}%
      \advance\@tempcnta by -1 %
      \@ifundefined{r@RequirementNamespace@Requirement #1}{}{%
        \hyperref[{RequirementNamespace@Requirement #1}]%


\section{This is just some section}

This is text in the section.

\noindent Reference to the requirement with ID ``SOMEOTHERID'': \ref{AA}.

\noindent Reference to the testing-method with ID ``SOMEOTHERID'': \ref{BB}.

\Requirement{SOMEID}{This is the requirement text.}{This describes the testmethod.}
\Requirement{SOMEOTHERID}{This \label{AA} is some different requirement text.}{This \label{BB} describes some different testmethod.}








  \IfFileExists{\jobname.lfr}{}{\par\noindent No requirements available.}%
  \IfFileExists{\jobname.ltm}{}{\item[\textnormal{No test-methods available.}]\relax}%
\catcode`\/=14 %
      \gdef\@multipleRequirements{\@latex@warning@no@line{There were multiply-defined requirements}}/
      \@latex@warning{Requirement `#1' multiply defined}/
  %#1 =  {ID}{<requirement-text>}
  %#1 = {ID}{<requirement-text>}
  %#1 = ID; #2 = <requirement-text>;
  \label{RequirementNamespace@Requirement #1}%
    \advance\@tempcnta by -1 %
    \xdef\Hy@currentbookmarklevel{\the \@tempcnta}%
    \@ifundefined{r@RequirementNamespace@TestMethod #1}{}{%
      \hyperref[{RequirementNamespace@TestMethod #1}]%
  %#1 = ID; #2 = <requirement-text>;
        \@ifundefined{Hy@raisedlink}{ }{%
            \expandafter\RequirementPassFirstToSecond\expandafter{\@currentHref}{ %<- This space must be!
    \label{RequirementNamespace@TestMethod #1}%
      \advance \@tempcnta by -1 %
      \xdef\Hy@currentbookmarklevel{\the \@tempcnta}%
      \@ifundefined{r@RequirementNamespace@Requirement #1}{}{%
        \hyperref[{RequirementNamespace@Requirement #1}]%


\section{This is just some section}

This is text in the section.

\noindent Reference to the requirement with ID ``SOMEOTHERID'': \ref{AA}.

\noindent Reference to the testing-method with ID ``SOMEOTHERID'': \ref{BB}.

\Requirement{SOMEID}{This is the requirement text.}{This describes the testmethod.}
\Requirement{SOMEOTHERID}{This \label{AA} is some different requirement text.}{This \label{BB} describes some different testmethod.}




