如何在 reledmac 中强制在内边距上标注行号?

如何在 reledmac 中强制在内边距上标注行号?



行号注释是对行号的注释。因此,设置行号位置将设置行号注释。您可以使用\linenummargin(手册第 5.3.4 节)来执行此操作,也可以使用\sidenotemargin(第 12.1 节)设置边注边距。


\usepackage[noresetlinenumannotation, series={A}, noend,noeledsec,nofamiliar,noledgroup]{reledmac}

\textbf{\large Chapter I}\par
\textit{\scriptsize The pedegree of Jesus, to shew that he is Christ, promised to *  Abraham and * David. 18. That he was conceived and borne of a Virgin, as Esay prophesied of him.}\par
The \bv{1} booke of the * \ledsidenote{\scriptsize \flushleft This Goſpel is moſt ſolemly ſung in holy Church at Matins upon Chriſtmas day.} generation of  {\scshape Jesus}  Christ, the ſonne of David, the ſonne of Abraham.\par
†\bv{2}* \ledsidenote{\scriptsize \flushleft As alſo it is the Goſpel of the \textbf{\emph{Conception}} and \textbf{\emph{Nativitie}} of our Blessed Lady: becauſe here is declared the pedegree of her alſo.} Abraham begat Iſaac, And Iſaac begat Jacob. And Jacob begat Judas and his brethren/par
