\showonlyrefs 命令在未引用的方程式后留下空白

\showonlyrefs 命令在未引用的方程式后留下空白





\usepackage{amssymb , amsthm}

%This allows for theorems which are not automatically numbered

% The bellow lines are for formatting.  In general, you will not want to change these.

% Added packages
\usepackage{amsmath , amsfonts}
\mathtoolsset{showonlyrefs=true , showmanualtags=true}
\usepackage{hyperref , url}

% Title
\title{Vector spaces}



Notice that for sets $A$ and $B$, if $A \not\subset B$, then there exists an element $x$ such that $x \in A$ and $x \notin B$. That is,
    \qty(A \not\subset B) \iff \exists x \qty( x \in A \wedge x \notin B).
We now prove theorem $2.1$. By way of contradiction, suppose that the theorem fails. Let $A$ be a set such that $\emptyset \not\subset A$.

Notice that for sets $A$ and $B$, if $A \not\subset B$, then there exists an element $x$ such that $x \in A$ and $x \notin B$. That is,
    \qty(A \not\subset B) \iff \exists x \qty( x \in A \wedge x \notin B).
We now prove theorem $2.1$. By way of contradiction \eqref{2}, suppose that the theorem fails. Let $A$ be a set such that $\emptyset \not\subset A$.



在下一个mathtools版本(1.23 版)发布之前,这里有一个似乎有效的补丁



}{}{\typeout{patch failed}}

\@ifundefined{MT_r_\df@label}{\global\MH_set_boolean_F:n {manual_tag}}
\@ifundefined{MT_r_\df@label}{\global\MH_set_boolean_F:n {manual_tag}\kern1sp}
}{}{\typeout{patch failed}}


带补丁的 MWE(我从序言中删除了不相关的软件包)

\usepackage{amsmath , amsfonts}
\mathtoolsset{showonlyrefs=true , showmanualtags=true}



}{}{\typeout{patch failed}}

\@ifundefined{MT_r_\df@label}{\global\MH_set_boolean_F:n {manual_tag}}
\@ifundefined{MT_r_\df@label}{\global\MH_set_boolean_F:n {manual_tag}\kern1sp}
}{}{\typeout{patch failed}}



Notice that for sets $A$ and $B$, if $A \not\subset B$, then there
exists an element $x$ such that $x \in A$ and $x \notin B$. That is,
    (A \not\subset B) \iff \exists x ( x \in A \wedge x \notin B).
We now prove theorem $2.1$. By way of contradiction, suppose that the
theorem fails. Let $A$ be a set such that $\emptyset \not\subset A$.

Notice that for sets $A$ and $B$, if $A \not\subset B$, then there
exists an element $x$ such that $x \in A$ and $x \notin B$. That is,
    (A \not\subset B) \iff \exists x ( x \in A \wedge x \notin B).
We now prove theorem $2.1$. By way of contradiction \eqref{2}, suppose
that the theorem fails. Let $A$ be a set such that
$\emptyset \not\subset A$.

