如何在 tikz 环境中添加图形之间的垂直空间?

如何在 tikz 环境中添加图形之间的垂直空间?
    \item[1.4] description
    \item[e] description
    \begin{figure}[ht] % ’ht’ tells LaTeX to place the figure ’here’ or at the top of the page
        \centering % centers the figure
        \node[state, initial] (q1) {$q_1$};
        \node[state, accepting, right of=q1] (q2) {$q_2$};
        \node[state,right of=q2] (q3) {$q_3$};
        (q1) edge[bend right, below] node{b} (q3)
        (q1) edge[above] node{a} (q2)
        (q2) edge[loop above] node{a,b} (q2)
        (q3) edge[loop above] node{a, b} (q3);
        \caption{$\{w$: $w$ starts with an $a\}$}

        \node[state, initial, accepting] (s1) {$s_1$};
        \node[state, accepting, right of=s1] (s2) {$s_2$};
        \node[state,right of=s2] (s3) {$s_3$};
        (s1) edge[loop below] node{a} (s1)
        (s1) edge[above] node{b} (s2)
        (s2) edge[loop below] node{a} (s2)
        (s2) edge[above] node{b} (s3)
        (s3) edge[loop above] node{a, b} (s3);
        \caption{$\{w$: $w$ has at most one $b\}$}



  • 为了增加tikz带有标题的连续图像之间的垂直空间,请在第二幅图像之前插入\medskipbigskip或。\vspace{<desired distance>}tikz
  • 图像中节点之间的距离非常小,为了确定它们,我将使用positioning能够定义节点边界之间距离(​​而不是它们中心之间的距离)的库
\usepackage[skip=1ex, font=small]{caption}

    \item[1.4] description
    \item[e] description
    \begin{figure}[ht] % ’ht’ tells LaTeX to place the figure ’here’ or at the top of the page
        \centering % centers the figure
        \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=15mm] % distance between nodes
        \node[state, initial] (q1) {$q_1$};
        \node[state, accepting, right=of q1] (q2) {$q_2$}; % observe syntax for defining of node distances
        \node[state,right=of q2] (q3) {$q_3$};
        (q1) edge[bend right, below] node{b} (q3)
        (q1) edge[above] node{a} (q2)
        (q2) edge[loop above] node{a,b} (q2)
        (q3) edge[loop above] node{a, b} (q3);
        \caption{$\{w$: $w$ starts with an $a\}$}
\bigskip  %for vertical distance between images
        \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=15mm]
        \node[state, initial, accepting] (s1) {$s_1$};
        \node[state, accepting, right=of s1] (s2) {$s_2$};
        \node[state,right =of s2] (s3) {$s_3$};
        (s1) edge[loop below] node{a} (s1)
        (s1) edge[above] node{b} (s2)
        (s2) edge[loop below] node{a} (s2)
        (s2) edge[above] node{b} (s3)
        (s3) edge[loop above] node{a, b} (s3);
        \caption{$\{w$: $w$ has at most one $b\}$}

