XeTeX 与 LyX:数学模式中的英文句子以错误的顺序编译

XeTeX 与 LyX:数学模式中的英文句子以错误的顺序编译


例如,如果我在 LyX 编辑器上的输入如下所示:


然后使用 XeTeX 输出的 PDF 如下:




LyX 示例文件:

#LyX 2.3 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
\lyxformat 544
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%%% Set Hebrew and English fonts
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\newfontfamily{\englishfont}[Ligatures=TeX]{TeX Gyre Pagella}
%\newfontfamily{\englishfont}[Ligatures=TeX]{Latin Modern Roman}
% Proper font size in math mode.
\setmathrm[Ligatures=TeX]{Latin Modern Math}

%%% Another way is to set just the Hebrew fonts:
%\newfontfamily\hebrewfont[Script=Hebrew]{David CLM}
%\newfontfamily\hebrewfonttt[Script=Hebrew]{Miriam Mono CLM}
%\newfontfamily\hebrewfontsf[Script=Hebrew]{Simple CLM}
% consider using \usepackage{iffont}

%%% Sets both header and footer
\fancyhf{} % sets to nothing


%%% Some alternative styles
\ifcsname question\endcsname
\ifcsname sol*\endcsname

\use_default_options true
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\language_package default
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\use_package stackrel 1
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\index Index
\shortcut idx
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\tocdepth 3
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\html_math_output 0
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\html_be_strict false


\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula 
\text{firstword secondword thirdword fourthword}




示例文件的 TeX 输出:

%% LyX 2.3.3 created this file.  For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{David CLM}
\setsansfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Hadasim CLM}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
%%% Set Hebrew and English fonts
\setmonofont[Script=Hebrew]{Miriam Mono CLM}
\newfontfamily{\englishfont}[Ligatures=TeX]{TeX Gyre Pagella}
%\newfontfamily{\englishfont}[Ligatures=TeX]{Latin Modern Roman}
% Proper font size in math mode.
\setmathrm[Ligatures=TeX]{Latin Modern Math}

%%% Another way is to set just the Hebrew fonts:
%\newfontfamily\hebrewfont[Script=Hebrew]{David CLM}
%\newfontfamily\hebrewfonttt[Script=Hebrew]{Miriam Mono CLM}
%\newfontfamily\hebrewfontsf[Script=Hebrew]{Simple CLM}
% consider using \usepackage{iffont}

%%% Sets both header and footer
\fancyhf{} % sets to nothing


%%% Some alternative styles
\ifcsname question\endcsname
\ifcsname sol*\endcsname




\text{firstword secondword thirdword fourthword}


您在 LyX 中遇到了这个令人厌烦的错误:https://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/7207顺便说一句(我不指望你能找到这个 bug,尽管我知道它存在,但我还是花了很长时间才找到它),我是通过查看所有 LyX 组件 BiDi 支持错误
